1 Decembrie Marathon 2022, a podium after three years and a PB

It starts to rain, and the temperature is almost 0ºC, but the real feel even lower, as the wind blows. Even though I like to look good in pictures, this time I need to wear ticker clothes and to cover my head. I am not the best in terms of appearance, but I am ready. I set my playlist, Dan Pena is there for more than 3 and a half hours, so I should be fine, and my concentration should be rock solid. 09:07 AM, start! It is the National Day of Romania, 104 years since the big union. We are starting the race, I will cover the marathon, my second in last than three weeks, after the great result from Greece, but I have a clear aim: personal best and a podium at my age group, 18-34. I have calculated a pace of under 4:45 / kilometer, even close to 4:40 and my purpose is to keep it steady for the whole race. It works the best for me in this way, but… the weather makes my plans more difficult. But I persist.

The thoughts of letting it and go home

First loop goes easy, so is the next one. I realize that the actual distance of each is more like 4.1 kilometer, than 4.22. Doesn’t matter too much, but I am thinking of prolonging the final stretch to fill a marathon distance and to achieve the very awaited under 3:20 marathon. Now, as the loops are progressing in the count, I realize that I am slightly slower than expected and I get a bit pissed. I feel a bit down and wonder what if I would just stop after the current loop and just go home. What should be the point? I won’t beat my personal best, most likely and without any doubt I won’t get a podium. What is the use? Well… the use? Let’s see… You never abandoned ever? Why should you do it now? Finish the shit and have the power. Make the 10 rounds and then go home! Yep, this conversation actually happens in my head, while I am listening to Dan Pena’s seminar.

Titan Park, my playfield

So, I keep running with an inertia that got like a second nature for me in this kind of moments. Now… the rain is even more annoying, and the wind blows occasionally like it wants to slow me down even more. It is not the most pleasant marathon, but at least it is home. Or sort of… Titan Park is the place where, I think, ran most of my 20.000 kilometers and it is, without any doubt, the most beautiful park of Bucharest. I continue, after almost seven loops I decide to stop finally for a drink. 28.5 km and more than two thirds, I deserve a Coke and a water. It is enough, the good part of the terrible weather is that I actually don’t need too much hydration… And what a great choice was to put on my thick gloves! Otherwise, my hands might have frozen. Literally! There is some good in this gray landscape. The bright part comes up under the form of three more loops. Yep, but still, 12 kilometers.

Shorter, but my best marathon

I stop for a similar sip after one more park tour and now realize I am entering in the last kilometers. I become happy and hopeful. I realize my time won’t be that bad and I gain confidence. The end part of this type of races works great for me and usually I have the rare ability of stepping the pedal a bit. I do it now, I don’t take a third pit stop because I am aware that the last 4 kilometers are in front of me. I don’t lose my grip; I remain focus and keep the pace at around 4:45 / kilometer. It is more than enough for a 3:18:37,9 finish and… halleluiah! I get my finisher medal, some hot tea and food and going straight to see the results. I am confident I will be where I wanted. The problem is that the race ended on my watch at 40.93, so 1.3 kilometers short of a marathon. Technically speaking, I cannot consider a PB, because even though I would have continued, I couldn’t complete the last kilometer in less than four minutes.

I trust the champion; the marathon distance is valid!

Though, after talking to Alex Corneschi at the end, the half-marathon winner, he told me his watch clocked 21.3 kilometers for the half and that he highly relies on his gadget… So, given the circumstances, and given the fact that the conversation is held with an elite sportsman, the path distortions from the park where the ones that actually shorten the race, not the measurements itself. Then, of course, I can consider the time as a PB for marathon. Now, let’s see the results: 9 overall, 2nd at my age group: podium! The problem is that I am getting colder and colder, even though I am changing the clothes from the superior half of my body. I am shaking without control and try to find out when the award ceremony takes place: 13:00. It should be fine, it is 12:36… I’ll make it! The problem is that I have other important stuff to do and this, on top of the cold that entered my bones, makes it worse.

Cold, cold, colder

I try to resist, but things are not that nice, as we are already at 13:38 and nothing actually happens. Finally! The ceremony starts, but the marathon is at the very end… I am cheering my friends from adidas Runners Bucharest and, finally, the moment has come, and I climb a podium for the first time in more than three years, first one in Bucharest, after nearly seven years of running! And in not any competition, but at one of the most famous from the capital city and at the queen race from the event: the marathon. I am cold, dirty, soaking wet, my feet are frosted almost, I miss an important commitment, but I am happy, I feel content. In the end, my calculation, my expectation, my strategy, the way in which I have envisioned this event was projected 1:1 into reality. I have made it! Unfortunately, I didn’t get the diploma at the end, because it wasn’t ready, but I will grab it soon enough. What a great memory this proved to be!!!