29 February, running and getting lost in rainy Malmö

Considering this day is the one and only we have it once every four years, I find it real special. So this year wanted to make it memorable. Of course, I wasn’t thinking at a run in particular, but the evening brought it into light. Initially, on this very special day of 2020, I should have been somewhere in Iceland, most likely Reykjavik or around. Still, until I made up and change my mind a couple of times I came up to the conclusion that Malmö – Copenhagen is a most suitable alternative. For many reasons, starting with the lower price, the less time spent in the plane and the short time frame of the holiday. The pragmatic part being this.

Always ready for a filter coffee from Starbucks

The thing that I liked the most about this trip is that I can visit in two days, two countries and two different cities. Also can visit the childhood soil of Zlatan Ibrahimovic. As I walk and run a lot, two days are more than sufficient to enjoy these two Scandinavian cities. As I was accommodated in Malmö – fairly cheaper – I used the first day of the two to visit the capital city of Denmark and, of course, to enjoy a big filter coffee at Starbucks – don’t really know why I am so into this franchise, but I am… Everything fine, of course. Still, I had a full evening ahead after my return. The train takes you back to Malmö in a matter of tens of minutes, don’t remember for sure how many, but it is a very short ride.

4:27 min / km. Not bad!

Never planned a run there, but I said I should go for one. Put my clothes on – I take them though just in case I get in the mood for running – and went to see, as a teaser for the next day, what should I visit in depth. No chance, I just accelerated my pace. One of my fastest runs, I mean got an average of 4:27 per kilometre for a 10K which is not bad at all. Still, it got dark, as it was still winter and also started to rain. In fact it was heavy cold rain. Well, I cannot say I am not enjoying this stuff usually, but I wasn’t exactly dressed for such a thing. Wanted, considering I had one more kilometre, to rejoin my hotel room. I’ve stopped, checked my GPS and there I was. Full speed ahead!

Oh, the GPS…

Exactly one more kilometre, ten in total, so ready for a very well deserved break before enjoying much more the Swedish city the next day. Watched my GPS once more. 2 kilometres from the hotel. Took the wrong direction, because I interpreted it exactly the opposite way. You can imagine I was going crackers. The rain continued even more aggressive and cold. And I like winter the most! I like also running, but I wasn’t in the mood to do that for two more kilometres. I was just angry and very pissed of. At least it was dark and quiet. I could swear without any restrictions. Set my Polar M430 for a walk now, but it didn’t work.

Don’t eat falafel from Malmö’s markets 🙁

The rain was making fun of me and it forced me to pick up my pace once more so I started to run, of course, obliged by the circumstances. Stopped at a market to buy something to eat. Since I don’t eat meet anymore, I took some kind of falafel balls. Bad decision. They were absolutely rubbish, could not eat more than a few and I am not quite a pretentious person, can imagine… Still, could not eat those. In the end it was fine. I am lucky that I have a strong immunity and didn’t catch any cold. Also the following day was amazing. Walked almost 30 kilometres. For real! Scandinavia is, indeed, a place where I would like to leave. At least a while.

8 tips

  1. Don’t ever rely on your GPS if you don’t check it at least twice!
  2. If going to Malmö, visit Turning Torso, even though it is a residential building and you cannot enter it.
  3. If you didn’t see the little mermaid statue, the symbol of Copenhagen, don’t feel sorry. It looks far worse – if that can be used as a comparison – than it is promoted: small and pointless, especially in a rainy day.
  4. Rosengaard is the neighborhood where Zlatan Ibrahimovic spent his childhood. It is not ‘wow’, but deserves to be seen, especially if you are a football lover – clean and nicely arranged.
  5. Go for a boat trip from Nyhavn, you will learn so many things about Copenhagen.
  6. Watch your steps, because in Malmö people are heavily using bicycles, even when raining and they don’t go quite slow.
  7. Visit Christiania, a different place. First read their rules, though!
  8. Do something different on every 29th of February, something memorable!