2X2 Race: the dream, the failure, the obsession, the focus

Us runners are aiming higher and higher because we have quite of a big ego that need to be fed. Believe me. If any runner says he’s not running for him at least at a level, mostly the main level, then he’s lying. For me, 2X2 Race was a dream from one year ago or so. I have learned that it is the toughest foot race in Romania, the only one in Europe at above 2000 meters entirely and with 42 kilometers at around 4.000 meters elevation with five cut-offs… you can imagine. For more details, click here and analyze it yourself, because I just want to expose my experience, not necessary describe the race itself. There are a lot of people that can do that better than me!

First cut-off time for 2X2 Race, impossible! For me… Now! 😀

I was determined to finish it properly, not only below 14 hours, but even below 13. This was my primordial goal from February, when I have subscribed. Under no circumstances I imagined a failure, even though I considered it won’t be easy at all, since I didn’t knew the paths of the race, even a single meter, and I am not a mountain guy, by definition. Even though I had hundred of kilometers ran in mountain marathons, the lack of knowledge regarding this special trail proved to be fatal for my objective, for my dream. I was embarrassed and didn’t make it. The only “good” thing was that I have missed the first check point, Vârful Moldoveanu… Instead of under 4 hours, I have went up to 4 hours 33 and this is because I went to Moldoveanu, on my own risk, ’cause, the race closer left before me reaching the highest peak in Romania. So, you can imagine…

DNF, alongside other 29…

Do not do something like this, with the exception being very well prepared and having great composure, like I did – I was helped also by stunning weather, so everything was perfect. I mean, even though I would have passed that check point, it is impossible to believe that I could achieve the next ones. The race is brutal! If you don’t know the paths, don’t even think to participate, regardless of your preparation. I have great preparation, be sure of that. It wasn’t, though, enough. Sure, from the total 99 participants, 30 had DNF next to their name, but this doesn’t matter to me. My failure was big, the consolation was only reaching the peak. Now, it became an obsession. I just want to finish 2X2 Race at all costs and I will. When? Don’t know! Just need to be prepared properly.

2X2 Race became a major goal

My first goal now is to learn the two portions by heart – I can say the one done already will forever be in my mind – still, the second I can do, luckily, in X2, the shorter race, that has more generous cut offs. Before doing it, as I want a decent time, I would do at least one tour of learning how the trail to Negoiu and back. It is mandatory. I will transform this obsession in a focus that will allow me to achieve my goal in the future. I just need to make the proper steps like, honestly, I normally do. Now, I was carried away so it cost. My first DNF, but if I would choose one to be number 1, then for sure 2X2 Race would have be the option! 🙂