Running in the Mountains: 2X2 selection and further enthusiasm

2X2. When started to write here after many, many years I was in Hungary and didn’t met too many runs with ascent, despite running a lot. Ironically… It is ironic that also I have started to go running on mountains, in 2017, before actually going on a serious mountain hike. In fact, I did only one afterwards, a serious hike. More marathons though. I am not a great mountain runner, since I am not very adapted to this kind of surface, but as years passes, for don’t know which reason, I’ve started enjoying it more and more. I usually put in writing things after they happen, but this time is special. I was thinking about 2X2 race long before actually submitting to it.

2X2 means 45 kilometers and 4.000 meters of ascent

In 2021 I wanted to go for the shorter version, the X2, but my mixed thoughts and especially the prospect of TSP DIY, about which I’ve started to tell you here, made me miss the 18 kilometer run on top of Romania. Yes, on top, because this race is entirely at 2.000 meters plus altitude and if I didn’t go for the short version, I’ll be taking on, at the end of August, the big thing, 45 kilometers with more than 4.000 meters of ascent. It will be memorable because my aim is to go the distance in 12 hours. Might seem long, but the cut off time is at 14 hours. And it won’t be easy. Especially because, to go for this, you need to meet a specific criteria.

Which is the qualifying criteria

Either you completed the 2X2 one year prior, which, of course, it’s not the case, or either you finished in the first half a 35 km+ race with a 1.500 meters+ of ascent, in the last 16 months. This happened, only slightly, but still, I got the criteria and so got accepted. The thing is that in 2019 I’ve ran four events with the specified results from above, but in 2020, because my relocation and the pandemic this type of races were erased from my bucket list. Now, as I could take advantage of my result I’ve given it a try and locked my fists tight and now I am waiting the event.

Still to come

For sure, I’ll live the journey until then and respect the process. Because, on my way to Moldoveanu and Negoiu peaks – oh, forgot to mention that the main characteristics of this race is that it reaches the two most highest mountains in Romania, both above 2.500 meters – I have some other mountain long runs. Retezat Skyrace, Spartan Race, Legendele Nemirei or even Brașov Marathon. We’ll see, for now I just wanted to share the enthusiasm with you. Wish me luck to go for the 12 hour mark! 😉