Vote for the change: Bacău, 2022 be like

Something about… Bacău! All over the world, we are asked to vote for change, for stability, for a better life. This kind of slogan is always in Romania, but the reason why I have not voted for some years is obvious and I will give you a clear example: in the last 25 years, in Bacău, my home town, there have been mayors from different parties, but neither improved the city much. In fact, most of the city center and the key points are deteriorating day by day. The image presented in the header represents the newly formed Animation Theater. It will be left like that for 20 years, maybe. OK, nearby there is a nice park, the cathedral, and a nice wheel but few people are actually paying 3 EUR for a ride. Still, the contrast with this former historical building is a sad reality.

If there had been a hisolated case in the city of Bacău, it would have been understandable, but it is not. In the town, for example, the stadium became a garbage pit, while the buildings in the city center look sinister. OK, all administrations might say: “We cannot do anything. It is very business-like, and it is hard to repair what others did.” OK, but people who are voting for you are hoping you have vision, ability, and solutions. Most of the politicians in Romania are whealty, and if you are asking where the money comes fromI mean, the salaries are not that high, you knowmost of them say they had businesses. Then, why can’t you master your knowledge at a business level once you lead a town?

There is an obvious answer, which I don’t want to debate. What I do want to point out is that the main reason why I don’t vote is because I see all over Romania images like the above. As a result, the image of the Animation Theater in Bacău is not an exception, but rather the day-to-day reality… Some fresh details about the building: they are in Romanian, but you can always use Google Translate. 🙂