Romania – Finland 1-0, Giulești: when a stadium wins you a game

Being a Romanian and being soooo familiar with everything that is happening in this country’s football, I was pretty sure that Romania – Finland will end up in a heavy defeat, for the Nordics. What I did really underestimate was the atmosphere from Giulești, the newly rebuilt Rapid’s stadium. This is the exact purpose for which I have attended the match. Because otherwise I wouldn’t have paid in a million years 9 EUR to see a football team composed of only one guy that knows football for real, Florin Niță, the goalkeeper, and a bunch of amateurs. I am calling them amateurs, just to be gentle, to not harm their feelings.

Romania – Finland 1-0. What have I expected

After Montenegro and Bosnia & Herzegovina trashed Romania in their home pitches, I was expected to see my home nation beaten severely by Finland, even though cannot say they are a top opponent. Anyway, they are the best team in the group so it kind of made sense to expect the worse. Regardless, on 11th of June 2022, at the 21:45, local time kick-off, Romania started surprisingly well, it is true, with a pressing almost never seen before. Indeed, the lack of pure and also basic football knowledge from the players made it in vain, as they couldn’t score not even from the penalty spot.

George Pușcaș doesn’t know to hit the ball

Actually, George Pușcaș executed a penalty kick worse than I would have done it, for sure. He did, though, crossed a pass to Bancu for a score opening, a major surprise! At the end, Romania – Finland remained 1-0, but the football players of Romania have too many merits for that. In fact, the only key moment of the game was when our goalkeeper saved a one on one shot from a Finish attacker. That was the football key of the game. The rest, was atmosphere. And a bit of luck because the Finish, apart from that major occasion in the second half, couldn’t shot once properly. This, again, because the atmosphere.

Oh, well… After Romania – Finland 1-0, there it is: Romania – Montenegro 0-3

Every time when Romania played on Giulești, there was a major, major advantage. This is because the stands are very close to the pitch and the public is volcanic. This can boost a lot more your confidence and can make feel the opponent uncomfortable, if we are referring to a team like Finland. Actually this text was started by me before the second match on Giulești, with Montenegro. Since Romania lost 3-0 though, I am stopping here. Giulești can help you, but not if you are Pușcaș, Manea, Chiricheș or such… Embarrassing.