Running on top of the mountain: X2 Race

I have just written some words about what running can be from my perspective, now I’ll switch my attention to a lovely Race, 2×2, but not the big one, just the shorter version, X2. One year ago, in 2022, I’ve presented the way in which I have failed to complete the queen version of the event, but I have concluded that there is no way in which I can conquer that beauty too soon, then I went for the 18 kilometer version with “just” 1800 meters to climb. I knew I will do better and I did.

The thing here is that this race starts from above 2000 meters and keeps its paths only above this distance, but of course even higher, up to 2535 meters, on Negoiu, the point where we aim, touch and come back to the start from Bâlea Lake. No forest, only rocky terrain where a guy like me, accustomed with plain fast surfaces, without hiking experience at all, is a huge challenge. Still, I play my part, did my homework a bit better comparing to last year and start progressing to the summit.

x2 challenged with 1.25 liters of water

The weather is perfect. Perfect! The only big problem is that there is only one point destined to hydration on the way, and it is three kilometers from the start… Essentially, we run around 11 kilometers without relying on any help, except the water we have brought ourselves. I did take 1.25 liters, but they proved to be not enough for my needs. Lucky, as said, the weather was very mild and the thirst was reasonable under control, but still not comfortable. Arriving at Călțun Lake in less than 2 hours and on Negoiu at 2:41, helped me to light a hope for the upcoming years, when I can achieve the whole big race.

In a gesture of gratitude for reaching the peek and without the mood to take any picture, I just embrace, literally speaking, the stone that marks the place and head back relaxed to the finish to enjoy the rest of the day. I still have plenty of energy, the major problem becomes now, more and more, the lack of water. I am squeezing every drop, but I am thinking only at the point where I would get to drink something cold. Three more kilometers to go, wow. And what a climb! In the end, I reach out the awaited point, drank two glasses of Coca-Cola and some water. In fact, the water was take away, but I’ve sipped it quite fast.

Great time, considering my set objective

One more climb and I am thinking to be the last. Well, not. In the end I reach the final one and I am so happy to see my girlfriend waiting for me on top of it and sharing with me the descent of around 1.5 kilometers to the Bâlea Lake. I am trying one last sprint to the finish line and in the end the clock shows 5:38:59. It could be better, I am sure, but I am way ahead of my desire under 6 hour mark. I did it! Couldn’t enjoy the landscape, but I enjoy the result and also the race itself. For sure I’ll return several times for X2 in my lifetime, as it is a race worth living and improving. It tests some limits, but sets also new benchmarks.

Everything behaved perfect. The weather conditions, the distance, the organizers even – in spite of the lack of water, it wasn’t something not to expect at! – and the event itself, one unique not only in Romania, but in whole Europe. Indeed, the mountains in Romania are not not even close to the tallest in Europe, but even so, I think this remains the only race at above 2000 meters, on its entire length, from Europe, at least from my knowledge. It is a plus, of course, in terms of difficulty. Another good thing, that showed my leg power is that I had no significant muscle pain after the event, not even the following days. It proves clear I am on the right track!

2×2, loading

I might be tempted to give one more shot to the big thing, 2×2, in 2024, but no. I am pretty sure I need to do at least one more time X2 at a competitive level and maybe at least once at hike level, plus minimum one hike to Moldoveanu and back to Bâlea – actually I am thinking to do the entire hike, in two days, before I will challenge once again the full race. I need to finish it that time, because if I’ll stumble again between Bâlea – Moldoveanu and Capra, most likely it won’t worth to give a third go, because some things are not meant to happen. This is the reason for which the preparation for another attempt must be perfect, and it will be! 🙂
