Running a Marathon in a beautiful city – Budapest

Some time ago I’ve decided to use running as an ‘excuse’ to travel more. So, running marathons all around Europe, in the first place, can work very good. Berlin was on my bucket list and I have completed this on a September rainy day in 2019. 3:39:03. Not great, not bad. Just decent. I had no clue which will be the next. Before it, my marathons took place only in Romania. Bucharest, Cluj-Napoca and Sibiu. To specify only those held in cities as I have several more on trail or mountain routes. Normally, for 2020 I wanted to go to London, Tromsø and Athens.

Budapest, only big option for 2020

The first one was denied, as the entry ballot is very demanded so your chances to qualify are sooo little. OK, I’ve said I will go for the other and instead of London for Prague. Already planned to complete the Budapest Marathon in October and also wanted to decide between Helsinki and Copenhagen. Because of the pandemic, though, the planes changed a lot. Prague was cancelled, Tromsø as well. Athens not, but who wanted to go there in November and risk quarantines? So, the only option remained Budapest.

No reason to be scared, but still…

Knowing the city very well and running already more than 4.000 kilometers through it, I knew already it will be a great experience. I was lucky enough to be here, as the race took place even with all kind of restrictions. In my mind, as always, a under 3:30 hour was the aim. But I’ve started so slow that I knew it is almost impossible to do that. Running on both Danube banks, the race was, as expected, fantastic. Even though a rainy and grey day was in place. I like this kind of weather, no worries. In the second half I’ve picked up the pace and even finished with 4:00 / kilometer which proved me once more that I’ve been scared without any reason.

5th city, more to come!

I mean, if I would start faster a marathon I know for sure that my finish time would be far better. But, no excuse, because it is only my fault. The experience remains outstanding and I recommend Budapest Marathon to every running enthusiast! I don’t like too much the finisher medal this year and neither the color of the shirt, but at least its shape is OK. These been said, Budapest became the 5th city in which I’ve ran a marathon. After Bucharest, Cluj-Napoca, Sibiu and Berlin. Hopefully there are more to come!