First Marathon: Budapest – Esztergom. Not for me!

At adidas Runners Budapest I have met Laszlo. Even though he’s Hungarian, he was born in Cluj-Napoca and speaks Romanian fluently, of course. He runs great, but with long pauses in time. Never ever ran a marathon and now the idea keeps him more awake than ever.

When your mind is lazy, you cannot fulfill anything

OK, the right title for this should have been that I was a lazy cunt and couldn’t break my half marathon record in September 2020. But because of the joke called political correctness, I prefer to leave it here. Fact: on 6th of September I took part at Wizz Air Budapest Half Marathon. My best…

A dream that needs to come true: 10K under 40 minutes

NATO run is a nice event held in Budapest so considering it would have been my last from this city I gave it a shot on 18th of October 2020. One day before I have ran a beautiful 22K in Tihany, but at a quite steady pace, 4:52 / kilometer. I know my limits and…

Running a Marathon in a beautiful city – Budapest

Some time ago I’ve decided to use running as an ‘excuse’ to travel more. So, running marathons all around Europe, in the first place, can work very good. Berlin was on my bucket list and I have completed this on a September rainy day in 2019. 3:39:03. Not great, not bad. Just decent. I had…

One day, three runs – what a memory!

For me, enjoying Budapest means also running. A lot! Once, I’ve decided to try running more than two times a day. It was fun! The overall distance wasn’t outstanding, slightly over 30 kilometers, but still the experience gave a slice of adrenaline. First, at 06:30 I went with the AR team for a nice and steady up hill + stairs run

10.000 kilometers and counting

This is only about the 10.000 kilometres mark. Big thing, but going further. Since I’ve started reading, actually quite a lot and especially running books

29 February, running and getting lost in rainy Malmö

Considering this day is the one and only we have it once every four years, I find it real special. So this year wanted to make it memorable. Of course, I wasn’t thinking at a run in particular, but the evening brought it into light. Initially, on this very special day of 2020, I should…

Spartan Race 2019, Poiana Brașov

Spartan Race 2019. I dunno really why I got into it in the first place. Sure, I’ve been to Zărnești Challenge before, but this wasn’t anything like I’ve ever tried. Never been a quite sporty guy. OK, I built some stamina through kick-boxing and running for a decade now, but I wasn’t really prepared for…

55.55 kilometers sub 5 hours in Budapest

I quite enjoy running for some years and in my head, don’t exactly know for sure why, it popped that I need to go for a 55.55 kilometers run. Sure, I had done already two above 50 so it looked like making sense. I’ve tried once in 2019, to go through all Bucharest parks, including…