
I like avocado a lot and I’ve just notice also the passion that Salt Bae has for this fruit recently. Some short movies with an amusing “Avocadoooo”. Don’t know any other details about this, I am just amused by it and I am trying to share with you some tips and benefits that avocado brings if you eat it. Now-days everybody sees himself as a specialist in nutrition, health, well-being and so on. It is not the case here, I am just trying to share with you why I do think avocado is a reliable source in your diet.

Avocado’s benefits:

  • great potassium source: 485 mg / 100 g vs. 358 mg / 100 g of banana
  • rich in monounsaturated fat which helps eliminate the LDL cholesterol, but keeps the HDL cholesterol
  • 7 grams of fiber / 100 grams is another plus for avocado
  • rich in folate, a B vitamin, ideal especially for pregnant women
  • boosting satiety: slow stomach emptying
  • it helps burn waist fat
  • protect heart against diseases and lower blood pressure
  • might help even your eye health

Bottom line is that the only inconvenience is that avocado is quite hypercaloric, so you need to eat in a reasonable matter. Still, this applies to everything in this world, so not such a problem. I like this aliment and I guess you should as well. And, of course, this type of article is not written without a solid documentation, therefore I am presenting you the main sources that made this possible:





Photo source: pixabay.com