For some years, running became a lifestyle for me. Never had a major injury, that forbid me to do the job, to go for a run. Regardless how fast or how many breaks I took. The impact was in most case of the situation mental. The only trap for running almost every day was my brain. From time to time, one or maximum two days were caused by a lack of mood for run, which is very rare.
Not even when I had a muscular problem, some pain there, I wasn’t going to quit a run if I was mentally prepared. I took up to four days of pause if I had other important things to do. But never ever, at least since 2017 a five day in a raw break! This happened in April 2022.
Running with a sprained metatarsal
In my almost 17.000 kilometers run I have never encountered, as said, anything significant in terms of injury. Something to put me down, but this time I have experienced it. Thankfully, it was something light. I don’t have any idea even now what just happened. Most likely a sprain to my middle metatarsal from my left foot. I remember feeling something when I ran at the Brașov Intersport Half-marathon, but the actual pain came up two days later on a “recovery” run.
I hoped it will go away and ran two more days, but actually my foot swelled. So concerned I was. The pain was more intense so I took a prescription for pain killers, prescribed by the doctor – first time in my life to take such! – and a cream. Meanwhile, decided to have a full pause during the treatment and also to go for an X-ray.
The idea or not able to go running, so painful
The medication worked like magic and I felt highly relieved when I saw no damage to the bone appeared on the film. I still have some pain, but can run almost properly and almost pain-free. I will go to an orthopedist to ask for a full specialist opinion. Bottom line is that my short-term panic is over. I can say that not the fact that I can’t run for some days is the most concerning, but the idea of not be able to run an indefinite period of time almost drive me crazy.
I was always aware how fragile we all are, but since I have a very robust and gifted body, I was lucky not to feel any injuries that affect my running. Now I did, but fortunately it was something minor. So I am grateful! So, hope to be the only one for a long, long period of time!