World Champion stories: Denisa Dragomir, mountain trail running

Denisa Dragomir is a mountain runner, a sky runner. I know this sport is not as many others and it doesn’t grow much interest, but this has nothing to do necessary with the complexity or its level. It is simply because fewer understand and have patience with this kind of sport. The context is that…

Cristi Săpunaru

The Romanian football is rotten from one side to another. The press, the sports people, everybody. Or, OK, most of them. In principle, if you are decent you don’t appear more than a couple of times / year at the television. And I am generous. I am not referring to football players here or important…

David Popovici – the truth about a World Champion in Romania

Stop! This is the perfect word for the general Romanian behavior from the last few days of June. Driven by only a few minutes, 19 million people rediscovered, without deserving, how it is to have a top sportsman: David Popovici. We like sport only when we see results, regardless of the sport type. A disgrace,…

Alexandru Corneschi, the making of an Olympic qualifying time

The sport in Romania is below sea level and when it comes to athletic it is below the ocean floor. Believe me. Something very clear was explained by Alexandru Corneschi in this article. I know, it is in Romanian, but you can always use Google translate, because the topics are the same in every country…

Aleksandr Sorokin, the king of long distance very fast running

How should it be to run 100 kilometers at a 3:39 minutes / kilometer pace…? Well, ask Aleksandr Sorokin, he just beat the world record in the 100 kilometer run. In slightly over 6 hours and 5 minutes, the Lithuanian trashed the former World Record. Not only did he do that, but he managed to…

CR807: Cristiano Ronaldo became the best all time football top scorer

Cristiano Ronaldo and a huge achievement! “Who had believe me that I have scored five times more than the great Pele?”, stated, around 2001 the great Josef Bican when questioned that some reports showed he scored more than 5.000. It is hard to believe though and it is hard to believe also that Pele did…

Dixie Dean, idolul lui Everton

O scurtă poveste despre Dixie Dean. După cum am explicat acum ceva timp, cei de la Everton sunt porecliți “caramelele” așa că, mi-am permis această asociere cu unul dintre cei mai reprezentativi fotbaliști ai clubului. William Ralph Dean s-a născut pe 22 ianuarie 1907 la Birkenhead și are o poveste de viață cât se poate…

William Gallas, un francez, rege al Londrei

Pe 19 octombrie 1999, Manchester United, campioana en-titre din Liga Campionilor, pierdea cu 1-0 în fața lui Marseille, în prima fază a grupelor competiției. Marcatorul golului a fost un oarecare fundaș de culoare, William Gallas. Un an mai târziu, jucătorul a fost transferat de o viitoare mare rivală a “diavolilor”: Chelsea Londra. William avea 24…

Bruce Grobbelaar, de pe terenul de cricket, în poarta lui Liverpool

În 2005, Jerzy Dudek i-a înnebunit pe atacanții lui AC Milan cu mișcările pe care le-a făcut la loviturile de departajare, în finala Ligii Campionilor. Echipa sa, Liverpool a câștigat trofeul și datorită lui, fiindcă a apărat lovitura decisivă, executată de Șevcenko. Dar unduirile de șarpe ale portarului polonez nu sunt fără precedent în istoria…