Barnsley, Barnes… Burnley!

FC Liverpool came short, 0-1 at home against a modest team named Burnley. OK, the away winning club has two England championship titles in 1921 and 1960, but their CV is nothing compared to Liverpool’s especially that the 83rd minute penalty goal scored by Barnes put an end to a non-losing home streak of The…

What happened in 1967?

11 June 1967 it’s a day that all football fans around Romania know very well. Particularly, those of Rapid Bucharest. That date marked the first title in the history of the team from Giulești and one of the only three such trophies that Rapid achieved so far. 1967, a year to remember! I don’t want…

Rapid – steaua 5-1. The story of an unforgettable night

For Rapid fans it’s a disaster that the team did not qualify for the European Cups in the last two years, but still, the players brought them a couple of memorable nights. Most important of all, was the game against Steaua, which had been played in april 2010. Rapid won that game with 5-1! It…

Rapid, revenge of the fallen

As I grew up supporting Rapid, I was accustomed with the teams’ “almost performance”. Even if the club played very well since 2000 in the continental competitions the players did not managed to break through the superior stages. In 2000, on Giulești Stadium, FC Liverpool was arriving. They won 1-0 and despite Rapids’ efforts on…

Borussia Dortmund – analiza unei viitoare campioane

La cum joacă Borussia Dortmund, este imposibil să nu obțină campionatul la finalul sezonului 2010-2011. Ar fi primul după o lungă pauză de 9 ani și al șaptelea din istorie. Astfel, o va egala pe Schalke, la aceast capitol. Practic, oricine poate vedea cu ochiul liber că gruparea galben – neagră va ieși câștigătoare din…

Rapid Bucharest 2005-2006, a season for the history

Rapid Bucharest stunned an entire Europe with their performance from that year. In the 2004-2005 they finished third in the first league, place that gave them the opportunity to take part of next year’s UEFA Cup. After a year of non-participation in the continental competitions, they didn’t look like having too many chances to accede…

Ed de Goey, predecesorul lui Petr Cech

Ed de Goey, predecesorul lui Petr Cech. Chiar dacă avem impresia că Cech este de o viaţă în poarta lui Chelsea, trebuie ştiut că totul a început în 2004, când Petr avea doar 22 de ani. O vârstă fragedă pentru un portar, dar care pe el nu l-a împiedicat să devină titular de bază şi…

reth Bale: a new football star

Gareth Bale: a new football star. Barcelona has Messi, Real Madrid has Cristiano Ronaldo and Manchester United has Rooney. But this year, despite the individual performance of the first two and despite the performance of Spanish football, a man managed to shine on the soccer scene. Young Gareth Bale of Tottenham, became one of the…

Juliano Spadacio, the perfect player for Liga 1

Juliano Spadacio, the perfect player for Liga 1. All started in 2006. Rapid Bucureşti was playing in the first round of the UEFA Trophy. The opponent team was Nacional Madeira from Portugal. After a 1-0 home win, thanks to a goal by Viorel Moldovan, the Romanian team had serious problems to qualify. With only a…

Giulești stadium: oldie but (no more) goodie

Some facts about Giulești stadium. Rapid Bucureşti is the only football team from Romania that made performance in every decade since the early ‘30s. Such a team needed a stadium on its’ measure and so the “Giuleşti” ground was constructed in 1936. In fact, that year marked the start of the construction. The initiators were…