Aleksandr Sorokin, the king of long distance very fast running

How should it be to run 100 kilometers at a 3:39 minutes / kilometer pace…? Well, ask Aleksandr Sorokin, he just beat the world record in the 100 kilometer run. In slightly over 6 hours and 5 minutes, the Lithuanian trashed the former World Record. Not only did he do that, but he managed to…

Cristiano Ronaldo & Lionel Messi football era comes to an end

Cristiano Ronaldo – Lionel Messi is, for sure, the most consistent rivalry in the history of world football in terms of statistics especially. I am mentioning this, because is quite hard to avoid Eras in which Maradona & Platini were playing, when Di Stefano & Puskas were on the same pitch, when Zidane & Ronaldo…

Giulești Stadium – the complete history

On 26th of March 2022 the new built Giulești Stadium is being opened in a outstanding ceremony of eight hours. It is an historic moment, without any doubt. Still, this is only the last historic moment and, of course, a beginning of a new glorious era for Rapid Bucharest, the club which plays here. The…

Who will win the UEFA Champion’s League 2021-2022?

The quarter-finals of the Champions League are about to start, and now I am curious about who you think will be the “lucky” one this year. Normally, Bayern Munich should win the trophy, but FC Liverpool is not neglectable at this moment either. Manchester City looks like a forever loser in the Champions’ League, and…

Sven Rydell, the record holder from another era

Swedish sportsmen look like having something special from the beginning of sport history. Sven Rydell is no different than that. If you check whom has the most hat-tricks from football history, this guy stands out a bit. I mean, alongside Cristiano Ronaldo, he has the most hat-tricks scored for a national team, Sweden. Truth been…

A legend from Turda, Arieșul

Almost two years past from the moment when I took a trip on Arieșuls’ valley. Yesterday, watching a friendly match between the Romanian champions, CFR Cluj and the little team from second league, Arieșul Turda, I studently remembered of that trip. But it also remind me of an achievement of this small football team, that…

Jose Mourinho: important e să-ți dorești!

Pentru majoritatea oamenilor care îl văd la TV, Jose Mourinho pare un tip foarte arogant. Doar pare, fiindcă deși n-am avut ocazia să-l cunosc personal, sunt convins că portughezul nu este și în viața reală în acest mod. El adoptă o aroganță de fațadă, a omului care a ajuns în vârful piramidei fără prea mult…

Bochum 1848? Nu, 1911!

Uitându-vă la campionatul Germaniei, nu aveți cum să nu remarcați echipa VfL Bochum. Nu are vreun palmares de invidiat, dar anul înscris pe stema sa, stârnește stupoare în rândul multora. Aparent, clubul a luat ființă în 1848! Bine, bine, dar este cunoscut faptul că, primul club profesionist de fotbal, Notts County, a apărut în anul…