Lavaredo Ultra Trail 2024 – the story of a mighty experience

Lavaredo Ultra Trail was on the wish list for quite long, and in 2024 the time for the participation came, as I was successfully extracted at the ballot. A procedure that becomes more frequent at such competitions, ones of the most popular in the world, with limited slots available. Being in the mountain side, it…

Running two (almost) mountain marathons in a span of 14 days

After MIUT, my confidence grew, and felt quite strong. Now, my next big goal is Lavaredo 50k, a famous trail mountain run, in Cortina d’Ampezzo, at the end of June. But it is 8k more than what I’ve did in Madeira, so I need to keep the momentum, and the strength. Already registered for Moieciu…

MIUT 2024 – the seven minute window for a big dream

Running thru Madeira developed as a big dream in my imagination, so in late October 2023, it came to a projected fruition. Once my subscription to MIUT 2024 was accepted. The queen race is the 115 kilometer one, that basically cuts the island in half, from Porto Moniz to Machico. Tempting, but too brutal for…

Talking to myself during the marathon. Episode 1

During a marathon, I talk a lot with my own self, mostly because of the challenges I face while running the 42.195 kilometers distance. You cannot keep your mind clear and disconnected, no mater how hard you try. Music, calculating the plan, always analyzing the streets, the hydration points, always help. But they are not…

Tips for running a marathon – personal experience

I have written as short as I could 20+ of my marathon experience, in order for you to pick a bit my experience, and take maybe better decisions before or during a marathon. Since that article is pretty long, though, I was thinking to make a shorter one and to provide clear tips, out of…

Running a marathon – thoughts about my journeys

I was thinking… what does it actually mean to run a marathon…? How rewarding is it, how good or bad for our bodies? It come up to my mind, because I was trying to count in my head how many times I have actually ran a marathon distance or more, or even less, but with…

Man becomes running expert after getting 100 crowns on Strava

Down the street lives a legend! Or is he one? An apparently ordinary guy is prepared to give running lessons, even though he doesn’t run that good. The main reason for this escalation was caused by the fact that when he checked his Strava account, by mistake, he realized he has more than 100 crowns…