2X2 Race: the dream, the failure, the obsession, the focus

Us runners are aiming higher and higher because we have quite of a big ego that need to be fed. Believe me. If any runner says he’s not running for him at least at a level, mostly the main level, then he’s lying. For me, 2X2 Race was a dream from one year ago or…

How to deal with a marathon PB: Prague 2022

My story from the Prague Marathon 2022. Pain and happiness! From the beginning I’ve said to myself that I need to achieve a marathon at around 3:15 hours. My previous record, 3:31, was obtained with less effort, so I knew it was room for some improvement. Therefore, the very expected Prague Marathon 2022 which should…

Alexandru Corneschi, the making of an Olympic qualifying time

The sport in Romania is below sea level and when it comes to athletic it is below the ocean floor. Believe me. Something very clear was explained by Alexandru Corneschi in this article. I know, it is in Romanian, but you can always use Google translate, because the topics are the same in every country…

Aleksandr Sorokin, the king of long distance very fast running

How should it be to run 100 kilometers at a 3:39 minutes / kilometer pace…? Well, ask Aleksandr Sorokin, he just beat the world record in the 100 kilometer run. In slightly over 6 hours and 5 minutes, the Lithuanian trashed the former World Record. Not only did he do that, but he managed to…

Running through the snow. Plenty of snow!

What can I say… as I am getting older, it seems like cold weather and even snow are challenging my feeling more and more. I don’t like them like I used to, but still, even though it’s March, I’ve went for a couple of runs around my soon-to-be neighborhood and experienced almost blister like conditions….

Running in the Mountains: 2X2 selection and further enthusiasm

2X2. When started to write here after many, many years I was in Hungary and didn’t met too many runs with ascent, despite running a lot. Ironically… It is ironic that also I have started to go running on mountains, in 2017, before actually going on a serious mountain hike. In fact, I did only…

The Speed Project Diary, episode 1

I know that what I have faced was called The Speed Project Do It Yourself, the virtual version of the great 550 kilometers run between LA and Vegas, but my reality is no virtual stuff at all. I mean, I felt for months the live pain in my right knee after the… wonderful experience. And…