Doping in sports: facts versus reality in 2022

Does doping really exist in 2022, in top sports? Well, I don’t want to pretend that I know this for a fact, but after Simona Halep’s positive test I’ve did some research and reread the article from Spiegel – part of Football Leaks – that promoted some very strange doping-related things from the Real Madrid, the creme de la creme in terms of football world-wide. The story was awful underrated compared to its real magnitude. But… it is explicable… If, by any chance, a club like Real Madrid would have been convicted or linked at least to doping in any way, what that should have looked like? And… not only that, but how the rest of the football clubs, the majority severely under Real Madrid in terms of financial power, popularity and everything basically, could cope afterwards? Well, this might be a question we would never know until the day in which an important player, from a club like Real Madrid might have problems. For the time being, to me, it looks like they were put under the rug. By absolute coincidence, the above linked stories came up in 2018, when Real Madrid ended a three-year winning Champions League cycle.

The lists with sportsmen caught doped is endless

Now, I am talking about this, because what happened in the likes of cycling it is popular enough and it is or at least was a sport that severely threated doping. Now, living in 2022, it is obvious that the medicine evolved in such ways in which you might use different helpful thing without necessary being discovered. Taking a look on Wikipedia, on a huge list of sportsmen and sportswomen that fail these kinds of tests, which it consists of hundreds of athletes only, we can distinguish some important names, even from the last decade. Searching even more we can see that the problems extend to other sports as well, which raises the number of cheating people to maybe thousands. Some of them were caught twice or even more, which shows a clear pattern. I don’t remember, though, to hear any of them, clearly, stating that it is a mistake, and they were caught. Nope, they are all innocent. Of course, they are, aren’t they? 🙂

Nothing is normal, but yet the perception is that it is!

There are some exceptions, though, and Petra Schneider is one of the most famous. The former east-German swimmer from the ’80, Olympic medal winner admitted openly that her results were influenced by doping and that she wishes her record to be stripped of. “My record is influenced by doping”, Petra stated in 2005. I don’t believe in top results with still water only, sorry. I don’t believe either that a person can run a 2:01:09 marathon and look at the end like nothing happened. I don’t believe some tennis players can dominate the court for 10, 20 years. I cannot believe a football team, playing in the same championship with others, can have mediocre players that are able to make a tackling and immediately afterwards a sprint. I saw that live in steaua – Rapid 1-0, in 2012. Only one year after, also thanks to Football Leaks, these appeared. I don’t take this shit, as they say. Surely, I am not obliged to.

Did anybody find Evrenzo?

Ah, and by the way, yes, I don’t think Simona Halep is innocent. Why? Well, I will answer with a very relevant question: if you have anemia, any type, like she claimed, would you go to a drug store and buy Evrenzo, the medicine she allegedly used? I don’t think so… Oh, and I forgot to mention that this kind of anemia is associated with chronical kidney problems. Does Simona Halep look like having kidney problems? But of course, doping is not real, the sportsmen and women are not cheating, and they deserve, without any doubt to earn tens, hundreds of millions of euros.

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