Eating habits: fasting – how it really works

Short answer to continue the title is: I don’t really know. But I am sure nobody, or very few know how fasting, in general, really works. Now, I see all sorts of people who promote longer and longer fasts, only with water for several days. So for me, a guy that reads a lot and likes to learn by doing and accumulating information I just want to ask: how stupid can you be? Or, even better: how many degrees from the idiot are you? I am aware that in recent years, if you are unemployed, don’t know to do anything, you can become a nutritionist, an influencer, a life coach or anything like this. Because why not? OK, I am not saying there aren’t people who do these jobs properly – apart from the life coach thing, which, honestly speaking, I don’t know what the hell is it, but their numbers and the garbage poured out – cannot say information, haha! – make me very uneasy when opening all kind of sources of information on the internet.

12 hours in / 12 hours out!

Going back to square one, I strongly thing that if you try to split your day by eating all the meals in 12 hours, and have a 12 hours rest, it is the sufficient and reasonable fast you need. Some may call it common sense, which is true, but few follow this  common sense, as you well know, or at least imagine. Many people eat all the time, at any time. But shifting this bad habit by promoting heavily the idea of fasting aggressive cannot be for sure a solution. Depriving your body from food, which is essentially your fuel for doing anything seems more of a suicide, then of a purification. A 12 / 12 cycle looks the best way, and you might extend that with some hours if you ate bad / too much – hopefully not. Unless that, I really don’t see a point in challenging any type of fast, at least not if you want to be healthy!

It is pure logic!

OK, eat clean, eat less, instead of too much, stay away as much as possible from processed foods, from meat, from refined sugars etc. But to think that an extended up to 7 days (!!!) only with water fast can do you any good long term, especially if you are an active person, that burns a lot of calories, and does extended effort, let me tell you that, for sure, you are out of your mind. The idea of the fast is to define, in some way, a steadiness in the way we shape our habits. Being moderate is important either way: not too much, not too less. If too much food has bad effect on you, how come too less won’t leave marks on your body? It is so elementary to think and understand.

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