Going for the PB Half-Marathon – 1st of December 2021, Titan Park

2021 didn’t seem a year for records in terms of running, given that I am not a fast runner anyway. Still, one day, I’ve went to a crazy 1:33 half-marathon, even though I wasn’t planning anything and that moment I’ve realized that I actually can go below 1:30 on the half-marathon. Truth being said, my “PB” was only 1:38:15 so it was not very hard to go under. Still, under 1:30:00 it is quite of a dream that I didn’t consider anymore from my disappointment suffered in Brașov, at the Running Festival. Let me tell you the plot there, before retaking the current story. 10k in less than 40 minutes. Since Budapest in October 2020 I felt it is reachable, of course, 52 seconds down and I am good to go. I was even thinking of less than 39 minutes.

Brașov Running Festival, the fail to go for a great 10k

The run was plain, the weather conditions perfect, but I could run at 4:00 / kilometer only in the first 30%. The final result, around 42:30 or something was so disappointing, that I realized instantly that the desired results cannot be obtained if you are not 100% fully prepared mentally. I thought I was, but the truth is I wasn’t… And I didn’t do specific training which is very helpful… Anyway… coming back to 1st of December 2021, I felt like I was going to go under 1:33:15, my time from the latest ad-hoc made half-marathon. I was dreaming at 1:29:59, but I was happy with a personal best. Now, there was a major problem.

The stairs that provoked me some virtual head aches

The run, through Titan Park, four kilometers from my home, one very popular one in Romania – both the park and this run, but I am talking now about the last, organized by the national day of Romania, 1st of December – had some ascent. Not huge, but there were some stairs which I have to climb five times, because the half-marathon consisted of five loops of 4.15 kilometers. My breath was cut every time I’ve climbed them, even though they were quite short but, at 4:20 / kilometer, believe me, you feel eeeevery disruption. In the end, my time was 1:31:59 so, mission accomplished in terms of PB. This run, the last of the year, saved my year in terms of a speed run.

Best is yet to come! 😉

The atmosphere around it was great, the 19th place at the end was a good achievement and it build some optimism for 2022. For sure I need to go under 1:30:00 this year and maybe, finally, 40:00 for 10k. I think, as a personal opinion, it is easier to run 4:14 / kilometer for 21 than 3:59 / kilometer for 10. It makes sense, though, especially for a guy of 1.85  meters and 89 kilos, but I am pretty confident, with some proper training I will come back here with posts regarding my new best results. I have a feeling that the first one will be at a marathon. I’ll be back with this after the event.