Impressions from Cernica forest @ Cernica Running Trails 2024

I’ve never been to Cernica before, even though it is not very far from me. I found a perfect occasion with a new running competition, Cernica Running Trails. I knew that the organizer puts on the map top running events in Romania, such as Retezat Sky Race,  Azuga Trail Race, Timisoara 21K, Alba Iulia City Race, to count only a few I have participated during the years, so the decision was easy. Since I love colder weather, I just hoped that the 10th of November when the run took place will not surprise me with too much mud, and it didn’t. The rain started in the race day, and more after I’ve finished, so I can say the conditions were ideal for a good run. 24 kilometers, but a bit less flat than I expected. My finish time was not wonderful, but good for me: 1:56:52. A mediocre 43 place, out of 243 men, though, but the effort was real, as my hill needed some stoppage time – counted in days – to regain not-pain (I am not referring at the French meaning) standard.

The landscape from Cernica Running Trails 2024

In any case, it was a good experience, a new place discovered, a few kilometers away. What about Cernica? It really is a wilder forest, comparing to Băneasa, for example, but it is not necessary all in a good way, because in some portions it looked more like a deserted field, with wild weeds developed. Still, being green, it plays a huge part in offsetting the severe pollution from Bucharest and the surroundings, so then, let’s not criticize the forest, because its imperfections are not caused by her natural development… On top of this, the mild hills and the explosion of autumn colors made the journey wonderful. I have really enjoyed each kilometer, even the easy climbs needed to complete. The place where the finish and start were established, well equipped with toilets and packed with food and drinks from Mega Image, just an ideal partnership, to me. Also, the wardrobe very efficient, and useful for storing luggage safely.

Romania of 2024

In general, the organizational part was top. The volunteers played a crucial part, because one thing is to run in the cold, and another thing is to stay there for hours. A pleasant Sunday event, which I am sure it will have a rich history. I can’t say we fully enjoyed it, as we speed up our departure, because of the cold, after we finished our part. Fun fact, seeing the main road of the commune which hosted, territorially, the event, we picked the pace to the bus station. Half of the road had no concrete, and the one present on the other half looked like something that went thru a war. The overall weather dramatized even more the general; landscape, but I was more amused about the reality of our days, denied by so many… Poor Uber guy who brought us there, now since I remember how hard was for the car to march inside the territory… In the end, that doesn’t really mater, does it? Because, otherwise, we didn’t see it in 2024.

I prefer to stick to the memory of the first Cernica Running Trails event, marked by a very beautiful medal. Its colors and signification are to be kept not only in memory, but also in view. Hope to go there in the next years as well. There is a place where I can enjoy trail running at fully potential, in cool conditions. And without mud forever, I hope! :)))