Man started writing training plans after running first half-marathon

You never know who sits next to you in the tram! It might be the next coach – of whatever – that can change your life! A guy from a suburb of a capital city in Europe just nailed it: he managed to run a half-marathon in a staggering time of 2 hours and 12 minutes, and immediately after developed a strategy to write training plans for potential runners from his colleagues. “Look, I know what I am doing, if I ran this half-marathon, and managed to do it stopping only four times, no longer than three minutes, then I consider I can become a running master, to teach others how to do it!”, he exclaims, while putting in written, with a used pencil, some sort of interval training, and also a tempo scaled table.

For 20 bucks you can get the training plan!

“These trainings are so useful, I know this very well, because if I would have wrote them before my half-marathon, I would have followed a training program myself”, continues the lad, even with some arrogance when tipped that there are millions of training plans all over the internet: “Hey! All are fakes, they just want to rob you and mislead. I know better! I’ve did this wonderful race eating only doughnuts, and sausages the day before, what is that advice about pasta, fruits, and other bullshit?! You see, they don’t want you to succeed!”.  While recharging with the fourth slice from a generous all-in pizza, from a local bar, our hero continues: “Give me 20 bucks, and I’ll make sure to prepare you for running the best races of your life!”

Ups, the trash problem… stopped the wisdom share 🙁

Meanwhile, training to understand if he also prepares to write a nutrition book, as he seems to ingest much more calories than he can actually burn in his almost 40 kilometers / month average runs, our guy becomes even sharper: “I am tired of seeing all those so called specialists. You can eat basically everything, as long as you run. Doesn’t count how much you eat, or how long / fast you run. You see, I know better and… Oh, sorry, my mom is calling, as I didn’t take out the trash. Follow me for more tips!”, abruptly ended the dialogue the 43 years old new-in-town running specialist.
