Marko Dugandzic, first Rapid Bucharest national top-scorer in 57 years

Marko Dugandzic is the guy that scored two consecutive hat-tricks (not necessary literally speaking…) for Rapid Bucharest on Giulesti stadium. The first one, against Sepsi was the fastest since 1972! 51 years ago. A good achievement, indeed. I am supporting Rapid for 24 years now and I have studied in depth, the club’s history, but cannot really remember, in recent history any footballer to achieve such a performance for Rapid. And if I cannot remember, then almost sure it didn’t happen. Now, the catch is that Dugandzic is the top scorer of the championship and if he will keep this up, he will become the first Rapid player to achieve this important mark since… 1966!

Puiu Ionescu was the one before Marko Dugandzic

At that point, Puiu Ionescu did it, with 24 goals. Marko has 15 now and I guess he could score at least six-seven, which will allow him to comfortable win the title. Puiu Ionescu is Rapid’s all-time top scorer! Sure, you might say that Ganea and Barbu where the first two top scorers for Rapid in 1999, which is true, but in the first half of that season they were playing at other teams, so the title is not that “accurate” or, at least… pure. Now, Pancu was close in 2002 to take the title, Spadacio was one goal behind in 2009 and roughly that is it. In fact, Rapid didn’t provide too often the top-scorer of the league, so I guess now it is the time.

A good achievement for a 100th anniversary

I know I have criticized Dugandzic big time, but he was seriously underperforming. After, with nine goals in six matches and he became almost legendary. What an irony… Becoming legendary for simply doing your job!!! 🙂 And what is more important, from these 11, only two came from the spot, as his previous six contained four from penalties. I am positive Rapid Bucharest and Marko Dugandzic will heavily celebrate at the end of the season, an end that will mark a legendary 100-year anniversary for the club.

Photo: FC Rapid 1923 Facebook