New Giulești opening day: expectation

26th of March 2022 will remain always and forever in the history of Rapid Bucharest, as the day when the new Giulești stadium will be officially opened, with an 8 hour event, topped by a friendly game with Poli Timișoara, a second tier squad about which I will discuss separately why I don’t consider to be the best opponent for such an event. Anyway, I won’t be long, because I’ll write more after I’ll be on the stadium to have a grip on the atmosphere. Tons of significant people are invited, former huge players will be there, even though I saw same names that should have, maximum, bought their own tickets. One of the big mistakes. Still, nobody is more important then Rapid Bucharest so, regardless, his / her name, it won’t be dealt with, at this point, in the text.

Rapid’s president, artist not only on the pitch but also on the stage!

One problem I’ve foreseen and commented here is that the board is planning to cancel all tickets sold at overprice online. But if they won’t be doing anything to stop the sell itself, people who paid tons of money for a late ticket and who are traveling hundreds of kilometers, might be the only ones that will face this childish penalty. Anyway, the event itself looks great, even at artistic level, since Rappa will sing a song alongside… Daniel Niculae. Yep, former huge striker of the club and ongoing president. You can take a look – a hear – to the art piece below. OK, it is in Romanian, but that does not mater at all. In fact, the simple fact that the president of a club, chants for the team alongside a great artist, it is something unique at world level.

Long story short, my expectations are to have a great vibe in the new home of Rapid and to take part of an event which didn’t happen since… 1939! When the initial pitch saw the official day light. I hope even my worse expectations, regarding some organizational topics will be deceived. I hope anything will be perfect and I am keen to see the beginning of a beautiful new chapter from the history of Rapid Bucharest. Don’t worry, I’ll keep you posted!

Photo: FC Rapid 1923 Facebook