Piatra Craiului Marathon & Azuga Trail Race – sweet October

For some time, I wanted to attend Piatra Craiului Marathon, the most vintage running event from Romania and also Azuga Trail Race. Since I did postpone taking part some years and the pandemic also played a part, I have attended both in October 2022, two weeks apart and now, in this article, my both experiences are briefly shared, because, from my point of view, both were successes. There is room for improvement, but not by much. Especially that in Azuga the race was shortened by two kilometers, because of logistical mud purposes. After the 2X2 story, this restored in some respects my self-esteem in terms of trail running. Regardless, I won’t push the comparison further as I keep my statement that 2X2 Race doesn’t resemble anything I know. Now, back to October 2022.

Piatra Craiului Marathon, 2019 turning point

My first thought to participate at Piatra Craiului Marathon encountered in 2019, but the event was held one week after Berlin Marathon, which I did attend, and I thought it would be too much. At that point, at least as state of mind, I was right. In that occasion, the tragedy struck, two runners died on the course, and it was a question if the race would ever be organized again. The pandemic, in some regards, overlapped and for two years, MPC – the abbreviation in Romanian – was put on hold. A couple of weeks remaining until the first weekend in October 2022, the big announcement was made: Piatra Craiului Marathon will be back.

Great news: 8th of October!

There would have been a problem though: the event, traditionally, takes place in the first week of October. And the first week of October meant 1st of the month. A day when I was not in Bucharest, but in Funchal. Oh well, maybe next year… When all of a sudden, the event was announced for… 8th of October! I am on and I can go to take part of the mighty event. Fast forward, the race day, 37+ kilometers and 2.300 meters of ascent. My goal: around 6:30 hours, maximum. Four kilometers of straight line, then a first big climb, with some kilometers of abrupt descent – most dangerous parts of the trail – and some more straight kilometers before the second, most scarry climb – don’t really know why – Diana. That one, for me, was like a walk in the park, a relaxation part of the race, before the final four kilometers, which I ran as fast as I could and passed 18 other runners.

The dessert of… 31 kilometers from Azuga

It was an epic finish, for my morale, 6:48 at the end, outside my expectations, but there is, as said, room for further improvement. I finished top half, even though, many runners from this event shouldn’t be there. I am not brutal; I am just talking facts. I felt relieved and happy for my achievement, but I have made a mistake that won’t be repeated, because I will go to Zărnești in the future for sure: waited hours and hours to get my medal and finisher t-shirt. I love them, but the waiting time cracked my patience. Regardless, it was, indeed, an epic October start and the desert was about to come, a 31-kilometer run, 2.000-meter ascent at Azuga, in two weeks. Another event I have missed. But by only one year, because I delayed the registration in 2021 and, in the end, missed it.

2:45 before Sorica

As said, when I take place in a mountain trail run, usually the weather is splendid. Now, it was no exception. The decision to wake up at 5 AM and to go to Azuga in the morning of the race looked a bit of a stretch, but it proved to be inspired. I was not tired, I felt very good. The participation kit is wonderful – no wonder the organizers are the same as for Retezat Sky Race – and the vibe the same. Some good news, as said, came in the day before, that the track will be shortened by two kilometers because of mud. They were straight kilometers, but it is always good news to run 29 instead of 31, believe me. The course consists of two portions. The first, a half marathon, quite decent, finished in 2:45, before climbing the mighty Sorica. Like Diana in Piatra Craiului, Sorica didn’t felt so scarry, to be honest. Even though 2 straight kilometers of abrupt climb were not necessary something to be done on a regular basis.

More to come!

One more afterwards, slightly easier and then the six-kilometer downhill and straight line where I feel the best. My pace improved as I have encountered the beloved concrete. Finished 49, from a total of 143. Happy! Content, 4:22. Not great, but I will be back. My goal is to beat the time next year, with the additional two kilometers. Would I do that? Don’t know! The point is that my last two consistent trail runs from 2022 ended with great vibe and give me a great boost for what is about to come. I will be back on them.