Rugby World Cup 2023: Australia – Fiji 15-22

At the 2023 Rugby World Cup 2023, Fiji managed to impress from the first match, when they lost against Wales, 26-32, but missed at the end a huge try chance. Now, in the second match, the side from Oceania managed a huge upset to Australia, beating the forme World Champion 22-15. A huge surprise in the rugby world. Then, I am tacking advantage of the situation to learn a bit more about Fiji, and to share some information with you about this small nation, but with huge tradition in rugby. Even not at the size of one Australia, New Zealand or South Africa have, to mention only the sides from the South part of the world. Fiji might be comparable, maybe, with Argentina, but with a complete different culture.

Fiji at the World Cup

Fiji managed to participate in all Rugby World Cups, except the one from 1995. In the first edition even, in 1987, the insular country reached the quarte finals, result that remains their best, alongside the same achievement, 20 years later. Their performance was decent, but quite slim, as they qualified at the limit, in front of the mentioned Argentina and Italy, a good rugby nation, but that Fiji beat several times during its history. Fiji might be able now to make it once again outside the group stage. Of course, they still have some stepping stones, Georgia especially and Portugal, but in normal circumstances, they will beat both sides.

16 years from the victory against Wales

In 2007, Fiji reached the best result, beating 38-34 Wales in the group stage and advancing in front of them, but the British nation, even a great one, is not at the level of Australia, former World Cup winner in 1991 and 1999. It might be, and it is almost sure that, the Kangaroos won’t make it this time to the quarter finals, if everything will go as planned and as it should for Fiji. Of course, if Australia will beat Wales, then, once again, they can remain the side victim of the group. OK, Fiji is a great rugby nation, but how much we know about this small nation?

Fiji’s numbers:

  • 18.000 km2
  • 1 million inhabitants
  • 1970 year of independence from UK
  • republic from 1987
  • consists of 330 islands, from which 110 are permanently inhabited
  • Suva is the capital city
  • 37.570 total rugby registered players, from which 8.770 adults
  • over 600 registered rugby clubs (!)
  • First rugby match: 1884!

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