Have I learnt to run fast? Faster than 40 minutes for 10 kilometers

An intriguing question with a though answer. In my mind, pretty often, there is one of Emil Zatopek’s statements: “I know how to run slow, I need to learn to run fast”. This is pretty much what I am trying in this period. I am using a training plan for a marathon, not an easy plan at all, but which I am trying to respect as much as I can and, in the end, this seems to work. On 15th of October 2023 I have managed, after almost 22.000 kilometers ran, to achieve an official 10 kilometer race in below than 40 minutes, at Bucharest Marathon.

Run fast, make a 5k negative split

I have secured a last minute entry and I did want it because my purpose was to leverage the very good air temperature, around 11°C, which is ideal for me. I’ve started confident the race and I never slipped – with one slight exception, above 4:00 / kilometer pace. In the end, I’ve managed even a negative split, 19:33, personal best for 5k and secured an official 39:57 finish for the 10k! Now, the final distance was 10.14 and if I deduct the six seconds until I’ve crossed the starting line, my amateur 10 kilometer time is… 39:21! I will consider this one, but I did my best to have an official under 40 minutes mark, to avoid any debate! :))

What I’ve did to run fast?

Have I learnt to run fast? For me, a 1.85 meter and 80 kilos guy, I sure did, in some aspects, and if I can achieve this, then anybody can! Have I did something special to get here? We can say it was a collateral achievement, as I am preparing for the marathon, with pretty intense training, and in the week of the specified race I had one of the best training week I can remember:

  • Monday: 110′ run @4:40 – 4:35 / km pace –> 24 km @4: 36 / km
  • Tuesday: 12 x 200 meters sprints / 200 meters jog
  • Wednesday: 4 x 2 kilometers @4:10 – 4:00 / km pace (it should have been below 4:00, but could not do it)
  • Thursday: 10 km tempo run @4:08 / km pace
  • Friday & Saturday: rest
  • Sunday: 10k @39:21 –> 3:56 / km pace

Is this the secret souse? I don’t know, I don’t even recommend it, because the race was desired, but not a certainty until Saturday so basically my tempo from Thursday was something to fill the void of the race I had very small chances to start. But I did and I consider the training from the last nine weeks helped me to achieve something I was craving for more than three years. I am proud of it!

Back in time, two years ago

But now, let’s get back with two years and a bit. At the first edition of Brasov Running Festival I was sure that, almost by default, I will be running a 10k in less than 40 minutes. After all, they are stating everywhere that their circuit is top speed. I was starting at a 4:00 / km pace, but after three kilometers I’ve crushed… I’ve slowed down and finished in more than 42 minutes. Almost 42 minutes and a half. I was devastated. How can it be possible to run 40:51 one year before, with some old worn shoes, after 192 consecutive running days and one day after a hilly 22k and now I cannot go below that mark, at least…

2023 brought new horizons

It affected me so bad, that in 2022 I refused to run again a race of this type, I was afraid to fail again. In 2023, I’ve started, steady to run again some races, with decent results and just let go of the complex. One in March, one more in September, a decent 5k in early October and, finally, everything topped with the race from Bucharest Marathon. Have I learnt to run fast? I have learned to run at least faster than I use to run a 10 kilometer race, to fill in the message on the back of my shirt, received from adidas Runner Budapest, in 2020.