Saint Lucia, how to live a dream – chapter 1

A different story about Saint Lucia. I like adventure, I am keen to discover every new far away corner, places that seem available only in documentaries. Locations thousands or even tens of thousands kilometers apart from Romania. In 2023, the ultimate travelling adventure proved how and why dreams come true: the trip to picturesque Saint Lucia. About the rough, cold numbered experience itself I have already written a lot here, but what I want now to transpose is the emotions behind the vacation. You can imagine, maybe, that we might be the first Romanians that actually had a vacation, longer than seven nights, on this beautiful island and our experience was total, blending fully among the locals. “I would like to retire in Saint Lucia, it seems such a wonderful place…”, Anca tells me at some point. Without hesitating too much, I just say: “Why wait so long?! Let’s go NOW!” We both kinda’ smile, because, well, yeah… it is not very cheap to go there. Especially because it is the honeymoon preferred destination for the people from the US. Oh, yeah… Not that easy. However, I am starting to search information, and, in the end, we found both accommodation and a way to fly there, with British Airways.

Not tired after the long flight to Saint Lucia

Without mentioning the plane, Boeing-777, is by far the biggest I ever travel with, the destination itself stretches far, far from my comfort zone. Now, fast forward, on 6th of March 2023, I remember very clear how the aircraft smoothly lands on the runway from Hewanorra. I see the ocean clearly, I am enjoying the idea of what is about to come. The journey was long, and the heat is unbelievable – well, there are only 30 degrees C, but coming from 0, you can feel the difference. It is mid afternoon on the island and our host lays around three kilometers from the airport, we arrive there by taxi in no time. We savor what we see and interact with Lorraine to take account of everything we need to know. Surprisingly, we are not tired, after such a long trip – I guess the layover from Gatwick played its part – so after a few minutes we change and go to the famous Massy shop, about which I have written already. The products here are not that different comparing to what we can find in Europe, not even the fruits. We take what we need and head back, before dusk, as instructed, to have our first out of a long line of romantic evenings on the balcony, with a rum bottle or a Piton beer in front.

The beach, the air

A thing that I have observed here is that I feel a natural need to wake up with the sun, at 6 – 6:30. I cannot provide a certain explanation, but usually we got up by 07:00 AM every morning. After a brief and delicious breakfast we think that a mile run to the Sandy Beach and a bath there will do the trick. “Wow, it is 7th of March 2023 and I am running here, in Saint Lucia”, Anca tells me amazed, while we are descending from Moule a Chique to the beach. I couldn’t agree more, while glancing at the far horizon, where the two Piton merely glance back from the west side of the island. The locals are friendly and they cheer us, we say hello back. The humidity and the temperatures are getting higher and higher. I feel in full the tropical climate. Now, at the beach, I told you it was deserted, but I never told you about the highly rich vegetation that made me put out my phone and take several pictures. The small bar, the Reef – apparently with local food – was blending perfect with the landscape, but we prefer only a walk on the whole length of the beach. The impact in Saint Lucia is huge, we are were we dreamt to be and where we should be, no question about that. Going back to change and leave for our next adventure, I identify the cricket stadium. A facility no different comparing to many, many from Romania – of course here we play mainly football, not cricket, but I am referring to the building itself.

Why we did prefer not to eat from local restaurants in Saint Lucia

Even though we passed by at least 30 times, we never thought of visiting it, but we saw some youngsters exercising kick boxing skills in an open floor. They need to know how to protect themselves, since the criminality rate, as explained, went to the roof. Now, getting back to the Reef, I want to make both a comment and a suggestion… Now, coming from the European Union, we know that the food needs to have some certain standards. Therefore here we prefer to eat cocked food only from our host, I have eaten once from Massy, a huge dish with chicken, rice and some vegetables and twice in some fancier restaurants. Now, Romania is not the most hygienic country, I know, but to be in a different culture and capture any type of food poisoning is not the best idea so we prefer to avoid any risk. Surprisingly, I had a huge problem in… Barcelona later on. But this was linked more to my fatigue and I will comment it a bit in a separate article. Getting back, in Saint Lucia we chose to avoid certain places, just to be on the safe side.

2023, the year for great memories and this is just a first chapter

Since I have detailed that big itinerary from the link attached at the beginning, the purpose of this article is complementary, to add the spices, the flavor on top of that, not to get back to telling, day by day, the activity. What can I say, though, is that the impression was reinforced later that day when we have discovered Hummingbird Beach in Soufriere with Petit Piton on the background. The dream we are leaving is so beautiful and only a few crabs wake us briefly as they invade the beach. Everything gives a full definition of exotism and ensures a very interesting journey. A journey that, in the end, has left us with a tone of memories that can be aligned in hundreds of pages. Maybe another time, who knows? One thing is certain… 2023 is a special year. And when I am at the queue to order the dinner before embarking for Gatwick I have neither joy or sadness. I know that this journey was over and it happened exactly like it should. I have no regrets about anything, but for sure, in our lifetime we are taking into account to get back here, at least once, for at least a week, accommodated at a resort from which we can see the mighty Pitons and the infinite sea.