Spartan Stadium Paris (Saint-Denis, Stade de France) 2022: different experience

My participation to Spartan Race events started in August 2019 and especially in 2020 I’ve attended several Sprint, Super, Beast, Honor and even Hurricane Heat events all around Central Europe, in my home country, Romania, but also in Slovakia, Czech Republic and Slovakia. From that same year I’ve aimed the yellow medal of Spartan Stadion, one of a kind event, held in Europe in one place: Stade de France, Saint-Denis, near Paris, the might capital of France. Now, that stadium has some meaning for me and this brought additional enthusiasm for me. Unfortunately, the COVID-19 pandemic dragged and dropped the event from April 2020 to April 2022. Two years older, with some trouble at a metatarsal, but the feeling was the same. Even more, as I was accompanied by my beautiful girl. 🙂

1998: Brazil – Scotland 2-1, World Cup, opener, Stade de France, Saint-Denis

Speaking about Stade de France, my bound with it was shaped in 1998 when, at my LG old TV I’ve watched my first ever football match, it was Brazil – Scotland 2-1, the opener of the FIFA World Cup in France, a tournament for which precisely the big thing from Saint-Denis was built. I remember like it was yesterday that it was around 15th minute when I’ve opened the TV set, John Collins just put level the teas – Brazil was initially leading – but Tommy Boyd scored an own goal so the victory belonged to Brazil. Now, on the same stadium, the nation host won against the same Brazil, one month later its first World Cup and I have heavily supported the nation in the 3-0 win against the ruling World Champion.

2022: Spartan Stadium Race, 5k, 20 obstacles, Stade de France, Saint-Denis

Back then I was 10. Now, at 34, I was able to be on the spot, without even planning it. I mean, which were the odds that the only Spartan Stadium from Europe to take place on exactly this location? I mean in the US there are several such events, but in Europe it remains unique – it is the equivalent of a Spartan Sprint, a 5k with 20 obstacles. Therefore, frankly speaking, it wasn’t a very big problem for me to attend it and to finish it in due time – slight more than one hour. Of course, comparing to winner’s time, it wasn’t a great achievement, but it is my personal best from a Spartan 5k so I was happy. The obstacles were only partly similar to what I was accustomed, but they were quite interesting, though. Especially the chain carry which, for don’t know which reason, I didn’t manage to attend.

The Champions League final on it’s way on… Stade de France!

The fact that a failed obstacle meant only 15 burpees, not 30 like in Central Europe, it was a huge, huge relief for me and that helped me for sure to improve my time. The best part, though, was that I had the privilege to walk on every corner of this giant, through it’s parking lot, the dressing rooms, around the pitch, in the last row, to climb stairs and the seats… The landscape from above was like looking into a volcano crater. I mean, let’s be fair, Stade de France it is not necessary a beautiful pitch, considering its grey colour, but it is, for sure, very imposing. And it really looks like a volcano! There, in the same 2022, the Champions’ League final will be played for the third time. After Real Madrid – Valencia in 2000 and FC Barcelona – Arsenal London in 2006, most likely we will see FC Liverpool – Manchester City.

What’s next, after the amazing Spartan Stadium?

After two years of waiting I fulfilled a dream and ensured a very rare Spartan medal. What’s next after this amazing experience, dubbed by three unforgettable sunny days in Paris, at the shade of Tour Eiffel? Well, for sure I’ll stick to Romania in terms of Spartan Races. An Ultra should be the ultimate goal – maybe a 12 and 24 hours Hurricane Heat is also on the list, but some time from now – but Spartan Ultra is held in a Slovakian village that it is quite hard to attend from Romania, given the complete lack of infrastructure we have in our country. For now, I am enjoying the moment, the medal and the fresh experience. Paris is a very friendly city and Spartan Stadium at Stade de France will remain forever an outstanding memory!