Spartan Ultra Race Encamp – 2023, the year of the LEOPARD

For some years, the Spartan Races are “branded” with an animal each year. After the scorpion and the eagle, the time has come, in 2023, for the… leopard! An animal which amazed me, seeing his ferociousness in the documentaries. I got fascinated by this very wild cat because of his very intense temper and because it never backs down, no matter what! In the same time, I was craving for a Spartan Ultra Race and I was just about to attend one in 2020, in Liberec, Czech Republic, but I have dropped the idea in the last moment. I thought my experience for such a race is not enough. Maybe I was right, maybe not.

Infinite climb at Spartan Ultra Race

Seeing what special year this year is, in terms of symbolistic, I was firm for this time and signed up for the Andorra Spartan Ultra Race from June 2023, Encamp. A very courageous decision, considering the race had been announced eventually as a 50 km long and 4.020 meters of climb. Not to mention the “classic” 60 obstacles. The Spartan Race way. At the end, my watch showed “only” 3.450 meter of ascent and Strava even slightly less, numbers with which I don’t agree, but I should approve that most likely the real climb was not 4.000+. Anyway, apart from the rough numbers, there was the process. Three cut off times, from which the first very tricky: 35 kilometers in 11.5 hours. The next two, one hour apart each other at 39 and 45. Not possible, believe me. So what you would need is to get to km 35 as soon as possible.

The brick from my hand

The climb up to that point was infinite. Almost 2.600 meters, much of the total. Of course, there were also some concentrated obstacles, especially in the last five kilometers. The thing that starting 2023 the 30 burpees penalty for missing an obstacle was replaced with penalty loops provided a huge support. Well, if you can say that to carry 30 kilos heavy chains on your shoulders is a “relief”. In the end, for me this was better, but with not without pain. I mean the back of my neck was both hit hard by the sun and by the rusty metals. On top of this, between kilometer 17 and 25, the organizers had a brilliant idea to ask us to walk up and down, round a 2500 meter mountain with a brick in our hand. A brick, for eight kilometers. Beneath the hot sun, all around the beautiful landscapes.

Hope to have honored the leopard

When this was done, a huge relief was born instantly as I knew I was midway the race. Midway, but still some challenges to be added. My thoughts are mixed and I am really going thru a huge emotional reshaping. There is a powerful battle there and I am willing to win it. This proves to be my longest race ever, in terms of time: 13 hours, 30 minutes, 16 seconds. I am done. 104 / 159 males I consider it a huge achievement. The medal is mine and I am glancing once more at the leopard. I put it on my Evadict shoes, a pair of which I am very proud and which I am intending to consider retired from major running events from now on. They deserve such an epilogue.

Will I do again a Spartan Ultra? I would say yes, but not in Andorra, that looks to be a fact for me now. Another goal accomplished. Let’s push forward!