The Spartan was something I’ve confronted first time in 2019. It was a curiosity started since 2017, when I’ve been at the Zarnești Challenge. This is why, in 2019, I’ve done two Spartans, both that took place in Romania. A Super and a Sprint. But the Beast was missing to complete a Trifecta, even though in two years. Meanwhile, I’ve fall in love with the medals. They’re perfect and also you can make, from three of them another big one. Since I’m a collector from my youth, this was a perfect reason to continue so figured it out that 2020 would be perfect for this.
The medal collection, a key factor!
Soon, I have discovered that there are not only three models, mentioned above, but also for Winter edition, for Mountain Series, Honor Series and Stadium… Wow! Gotta have them all, I’ve said to myself. Also there is a Spartan Trail – only running, my favorite, of course! And a… Ultra. 50K+ with approximately 70 obstacles. I was on the edge to subscribe for the specific event from Liberec, Czech Republic, but I though a bit and said to me I should move this to 2021. I will go there, promise! So, a lot of Spartans yet to come in 2020. Starting with short Sprint Winter editions from Banska Bystrica and Brno.

First there where the Winter Sprint events
The first was though, I’ve embarrassed myself at the monkey bars and ended up falling on the ground. A real shame… Afterwards it got a bit better and Brno suited me just fine. Still, there where just around 5.5 kilometres each, with around 20 obstacles. No big deal. There was a lot to come! Spartan Stadion in Paris, Spartan Honor in Veszprem for a start, both other 5 kilometres with same amount of obstacles. But then the pandemic hit and everything changed. The Stadium from Saint Denis postponed to… November. First 2020, after 2021. We will see this year if it will remain the same. And Veszprem scheduled for November.
After Kromeriz, the Beast from Pezinok was on!
Luckily, because of this, I’ve switched from the Sprint Honor Series to Super Honor Series, a race of approximately 11 kilometres and 25 obstacles. It was nice! The Spartan Hungarian experience has also a different topic, but I’ll talk about that one separately. The Hurricane Heat, that is… Going back to the classic races, my first was in Czech Republic. I mean, the first for the summer edition. Another Super in Kromeriz. It was stunning, again, but still my thoughts were flying to Slovakia. At Pezinok I was about to face my first ever Spartan Beast. A 21k+ race with more than 30 obstacles! Not really a piece of cake in my judgement, but afterwards I found out how wrong I could have been…

Best result for me!
Considering the distance is double comparing to a Super race and there are only a few more obstacles it makes the event more easy. At least for me, being a runner by default. Because of this, the event from Pezinok which I’ve finished half naked became my first ever Spartan finished in the top half! And, for me, that really is a performance, as I never ever had any athletic abilities. Just a very good body, for which I am very thankful to God and nature! So, it was a success! A great success for me! Going back to the naked part, it is related to my plastic vest.
Five full events in 2020 and a special sixth
When I’ve tried to lift the log before the finish – which I didn’t manage anyway – under my arms the wounds got series, as also the heat was great. I mean, wanted to say this, because I don’t want you to believe that I am an exhibitionist. Not by far and I really hate people who run naked in public! Anyway, I was very happy and finally I had manage to complete a Trifecta in one year! Five Spartan main events in 2020! Two Sprint, two Super and a Beast! Of course, they could have been even more. Because apart from The Spartan Stadium 5K postponed in Paris I need to see other two events left for 2021.

Missed the one from Malino Brdo…
And they were serious! The greatest regret is that I couldn’t attend Malino Brdo from Slovakia, where I have subscribed to a Sprint and Beast. But because of the border restrictions from Hungary, which obliged me at my return to stay 14 days in self-isolation, I’ve carried over to 2021 the event from Slovakia. If it wasn’t for the Beast Mountain Series Medal I wouldn’t have complain too much. But this is how life is! Another event for which I have subscribed, in fact for the whole Trifecta thing, was Cheile Grădiștei in Romania. After it got postponed twice, it finally become eligible only for 2021. So… it will be another busy Spartan year!
2021 should also be interesting
To make up a conclusion, in 2020, I should have attended 12 Spartan events, instead I have only six – the mentioned five alongside an unforgettable Hurricane Heat. Six are postponed for 2021 and maybe these six will be surpassed with an Ultra and, maybe, a Trail! Anyway, everything that will be in Romania, won’t be missed. I am leaving alone the fact that I wanted also to attend an event which took place in Poland but, because of the epidemic situation discouraged me to go. Also, in Miskolc, Hungary, the Spartan event was cancelled. And the one from Orfu, which did take place caught me in Romania. So, this is it.

The list
Instead of classic ending, I’ll document the Spartan events which I have joined in 2020 and which raised my medal total to seven! And a precious dog tag!
- 18th of January, Banska Bystrica, Slovakia: Winter Sprint
- 8th of February, Brno, Czech Republic: Winter Sprint
- 26th of July, Kromeriz, Czech Republic: Super
- 1st of August, Pezinok, Slovakia: Beast
- 7th of November, Veszprem, Hungary: Hurricane Heat 4
- 8th of November, Veszprem, Hungary: Honor Super