SUPER LEAGUE | Yes, we can and we must have something new in football!

Almost three years ago, from Florentino Perez, the idea of a European Super League of football, a closed one, only for big and wealthy clubs, emerged. Of course, such an intention from the chairman of the Europe’s most successful club, backed up by… well, um, FC Barcelona – that is a huge rivalry, no doubt! But money solves everything… Going back, such an intention couldn’t be attached and condemned immediately by FIFA and UEFA. While initially many more clubs were discussed to take place, the vast majority denied everything and retreat immediately, being afraid of any potential consequences. It so happens, though, that two of the most proeminent clubs from Europe and allegedly big rivals didn’t back off a single muscle.

European Court of Justice, green light for the compliance of a Super League

In the end, everything was dragged in court and an important thing happened on 21st of December 2023: European Court of Justice gives green light to another footballing process, as FIFA and UEFA cannot have monopoly on football. The detailed explanations and status is here.  Now, of course, these is great news! Not because I am supporting Real Madrid or Barcelona, not by far, as I consider them two of the most spoiled sports clubs in the world, with too many favors made on their behalf thru history, but neither can some bodies that make a lot of money from football can decide who can and who cannot organize a sports competition. The purpose of capitalism is to make money and football has always been about money, at least in recent years.

Many condemn, but who condemns how much they earn!?

Don’t agree? Haha! Now, clubs, players, managers and so on speak against a potential Super League, but they forgot to mention they are earning millions, tens of millions or even hundreds of millions from football. Is that fair? Not by far! In the end, football is a dumb sport, so nobody should earn so much money from it but, hey!, that is not a problem, right? But the idea that some competition might emerge and, let’s say, Real Madrid, Barcelona and dozen other clubs will migrate to another competition and earn much more money, while others much less, would be a problem… How so? In the end, I admire the determination of Perez and his decision to be a game changer.

10 Liverpool – Real Madrid in a Super League, much better than anything else

In the end, I ensure everybody challenging this idea that every football fan rather watch Liverpool – Real Madrid or PSG – Barcelona 10 times each per year, then to be delighted with team from Eastern Europe or even from Switzerland, Denmark, Austria and so on. Big names, with history, and huge fan support attract the most and squads from countries were football is not that popular in culture, won’t last long in the picture. Then, yes, a change is needed and a Super League, challenging the Champions League or even national championships, is a must. Football is sports, entertainment and, in the end, business. And we need to seek progress, not to restrict thinking and innovation!