Thoughts about Oradea, Cluj-Napoca, and their railway

Some more thoughts about… the railway! Living in Bucharest and coming from Bacău, a town from the Eastern part of Romania, I’ve heard, not once, how wonderful are Cluj-Napoca and Oradea, two cities from the Central – West part of the country. Except they are… not! Wait, don’t judge this from the start, because I…

Vote for the change: Bacău, 2022 be like

Something about… Bacău! All over the world, we are asked to vote for change, for stability, for a better life. This kind of slogan is always in Romania, but the reason why I have not voted for some years is obvious and I will give you a clear example: in the last 25 years, in…

Cupa Oraşelor Târguri şi cei 16 ani de existenţă

Chiar dacă mulţi consideră Cupa Oraşelor Târguri, strămoşul oficial al Cupei UEFA, lucrurile nu stau tocmai aşa. Înfiinţarea în 1955 a Cupei Campionilor Europeni nu a fost suficientă, fiindcă la această întrecere luau parte exclusiv campioanele fiecărui stat. Aşa că, la ideea a trei oameni de fotbal (elveţianul Ernst Thommen, italianul Ottorino Barassi şi englezul…