Olympics 2024 Paris | David Popovici, the swimming sensation

After the 100 meters freestyle final end, where he achieved the bronze medal, at the Olympics 2024 Paris, David Popovici, the Romanian 19 year old swimmer, first ever male swimming Olympic champion for this country burst out at the interview, telling a painful truth, few speak about. Basically, David reinforced the fact that in Romania…

Running a marathon – thoughts about my journeys

I was thinking… what does it actually mean to run a marathon…? How rewarding is it, how good or bad for our bodies? It come up to my mind, because I was trying to count in my head how many times I have actually ran a marathon distance or more, or even less, but with…

First Marathon: Budapest – Esztergom. Not for me!

At adidas Runners Budapest I have met Laszlo. Even though he’s Hungarian, he was born in Cluj-Napoca and speaks Romanian fluently, of course. He runs great, but with long pauses in time. Never ever ran a marathon and now the idea keeps him more awake than ever.

Running a Marathon in a beautiful city – Budapest

Some time ago I’ve decided to use running as an ‘excuse’ to travel more. So, running marathons all around Europe, in the first place, can work very good. Berlin was on my bucket list and I have completed this on a September rainy day in 2019. 3:39:03. Not great, not bad. Just decent. I had…

One day, three runs – what a memory!

For me, enjoying Budapest means also running. A lot! Once, I’ve decided to try running more than two times a day. It was fun! The overall distance wasn’t outstanding, slightly over 30 kilometers, but still the experience gave a slice of adrenaline. First, at 06:30 I went with the AR team for a nice and steady up hill + stairs run

55.55 kilometers sub 5 hours in Budapest

I quite enjoy running for some years and in my head, don’t exactly know for sure why, it popped that I need to go for a 55.55 kilometers run. Sure, I had done already two above 50 so it looked like making sense. I’ve tried once in 2019, to go through all Bucharest parks, including…