And then, here is Andorra! You must visit it!

My madness to complete a Spartan Race Ultra brought me to small, but very beautiful Andorra. In fact, from the bus ride started in Barcelona, one of Europe’s hubs of basically everything, things started looking great. Our accommodation happened to be in Andorra La Vella, the capital city of the very small state from the…

Tromsø, how to live a dream – chapter 2

My curiosity about Tromsø was born from a… magazine. I saw the Midnight Sun Marathon advertised, so I have decided from that moment I needed to attend it. Now, it is not so easy to go to the northernmost city of Norway and, I think, the biggest northernmost city in the world actually, so for…

Saint Lucia, how to live a dream – chapter 1

A different story about Saint Lucia. I like adventure, I am keen to discover every new far away corner, places that seem available only in documentaries. Locations thousands or even tens of thousands kilometers apart from Romania. In 2023, the ultimate travelling adventure proved how and why dreams come true: the trip to picturesque Saint…