Lavaredo Ultra Trail 2024 – the story of a mighty experience

Lavaredo Ultra Trail was on the wish list for quite long, and in 2024 the time for the participation came, as I was successfully extracted at the ballot. A procedure that becomes more frequent at such competitions, ones of the most popular in the world, with limited slots available. Being in the mountain side, it…

10 things to do in Apulia, Italy – lovely Bari!

When we decided to have a summer vacation we chose Bari because of several factors, but mostly because it is not highly promoted in Romania so we knew it is very unlikely to get Romanian flavors there… And it was the case, though, as only a few citizens from our country did the same and…

Wynton Rufer, un mare fotbalist în patria rugbyului

Wynton Rufer, un mare fotbalist în patria rugbyului. Sportul cu balonul oval este o adevărată religie în țara de la Antipozi. Chiar dacă nu au câștigat decât odată Cupa Mondială, din cele șase ediții ale sale, Noua Zeelandă are un procentaj uluitor al victoriilor în meciurile internaționale: 75%. Nu în 2010, nu în ultimul deceniu,…