UEFA Champions League – the new face or European football

UEFA Champions League 2024-2025 not only changes radically from what we knew, but it gest quite complicated to digest and understand the new shape. Does the imminent commence of European Super League in the near future be a factor? I can say this looks like to be the main key factor of the radical UEFA…

Rapid, revenge of the fallen

As I grew up supporting Rapid, I was accustomed with the teams’ “almost performance”. Even if the club played very well since 2000 in the continental competitions the players did not managed to break through the superior stages. In 2000, on Giulești Stadium, FC Liverpool was arriving. They won 1-0 and despite Rapids’ efforts on…

Când românii au cucerit Turcia

În prezent, fotbalul din Turcia este în declin. De fapt marile forţe, Galatasaray, Beşiktaş şi Fenerbahce, nu se mai regăsesc, în ciuda faptului că aici s-au transferat în ultimii ani mari nume ale fotbalului mondial. Dar nu este suficient, fiindcă indiferent de bugetul de transferuri pe care îl ai, nu poţi cumpăra valoarea. Sigur, fotbalişti…