Rapid Bucharest 2022/2023 season – the milestone of one century

It is done. Year no. 100 from Rapid Bucharest’s history comes to an end with a big celebration, on 25th of June. First, though, let’s switch our attention to the competitional season that has just ended. A 5th spot in the table that looks acceptable, but in reality it is not the case, not only…

Marko Dugandzic, first Rapid Bucharest national top-scorer in 57 years

Marko Dugandzic is the guy that scored two consecutive hat-tricks (not necessary literally speaking…) for Rapid Bucharest on Giulesti stadium. The first one, against Sepsi was the fastest since 1972! 51 years ago. A good achievement, indeed. I am supporting Rapid for 24 years now and I have studied in depth, the club’s history, but…

New Giulești opening day: expectation

26th of March 2022 will remain always and forever in the history of Rapid Bucharest, as the day when the new Giulești stadium will be officially opened, with an 8 hour event, topped by a friendly game with Poli Timișoara, a second tier squad about which I will discuss separately why I don’t consider to…

Mihai Iosif, what it takes to be a football coach

Motivation. It is the key word that gravitates around every successful football club. Others are just, at most, complementary things. Now, the subject, to be clear from the beginning, is Mihai Iosif. A football coach about which Europe heard so little, but whom put a lot of work in re-birthing Rapid Bucharest. I know, this…

Răzvan Lucescu, the vice-president goalkeeper

Now, Răzvan Lucescu, is the manager of Romanian national football team, but he used to train with great success Rapid Bucharest. More than that, Lucescu even played a full season for the club from Giulești. It is well known that Răzvan is a big supporter of Rapid and the fans of the club love him…

What happened in 1967?

11 June 1967 it’s a day that all football fans around Romania know very well. Particularly, those of Rapid Bucharest. That date marked the first title in the history of the team from Giulești and one of the only three such trophies that Rapid achieved so far. 1967, a year to remember! I don’t want…

Rapid Bucharest 2005-2006, a season for the history

Rapid Bucharest stunned an entire Europe with their performance from that year. In the 2004-2005 they finished third in the first league, place that gave them the opportunity to take part of next year’s UEFA Cup. After a year of non-participation in the continental competitions, they didn’t look like having too many chances to accede…