Catch me if you can! How fast can a human being run?

Running is now part of my life for so many years, and aside from my 22.000+ kilometers process already in progress, I have read, studied and analyzed tons of data. And I am really curious… How far can a human being run? The answer is hard to be funneled in a couple of sentences, because…

How many degrees from the idiot are you?

“You” is the generic noun, it has not got any target on its back. By coincidence, exactly in the period in which I am reading “The Idiot”, Mike Prince, the character from “Billions”, had a great speech, about “how many degrees from the idiot are you?” He gave an example with the quarter back from…

Running lies: “compete with yourself” | How to race uphill

In running, there are some significant lies and the one that states “competing with yourself, not with others” has the power to amuse me every single time. I mean, be honest… Have you ever participate in a race and didn’t feel a need to overpass somebody or to feel the joy, once you did it?…

What is running?

What is running? It seems like a philosophical question, but it really is not. “It is when you are walking faster”, jokers would say. In reality, I am not trying to come up with a definition but to express the whole volume of feelings and emotions I have experienced in the last eight years of…