Talking to myself during the marathon. Episode 1

During a marathon, I talk a lot with my own self, mostly because of the challenges I face while running the 42.195 kilometers distance. You cannot keep your mind clear and disconnected, no mater how hard you try. Music, calculating the plan, always analyzing the streets, the hydration points, always help. But they are not enough, to complete defocus you from complex analytical thoughts. I guess if somebody claims the opposite, then he / she lies. But what we actually say when we run a marathon?

What do we say to us when we run a marathon?

To run 42.195 kilometers is not easy at all, and apart from the serious training plan you need to follow, apart from the meal plan, and so on, many unexpected things can appear at a glance, and you mind is the one which can adjust everything to the best way as possible. My idea is to provide some thoughts during the Valencia Marathon in the form of a classic Q & A. I am sure you will recognize things from them. In fact a lot of them. Because, normally, we spend at least three hours and some even up to 5 or 6, or even more, if we add some more kilometers and it transforms to an ultra, or if we just add some elevation gain. So, here it goes:

  • Q: I am in the 3:25 – 3:39 pack… I would have some trouble getting out of the flock, and start with a decent pace… What should be done?
  • A: Oh, well, you might sacrifice one kilometer, but need to pass as many people as possible, so you can stick to the plan, and maybe recover some speed afterwards. Need to!
  • Q: Good, I am picking up to pace, everything good, the wave is behind. Now… my hydration belt is bouncing. Shit! I need to throw my 0.5 liter flask, just not to be annoyed by it… But when?
  • A: Don’t throw it! Try running with it in your hand, for at least a couple of kilometers, and see how you feel about that.
  • Q: For what? This is useless, what to do with it?
  • A: Well, maybe you can take advantage of its functionality, drink a sip every 2-3 kilometers, and avoid unnecessary pit stops at hydration points, which for sure will slow you down, as you know that you always stop…
  • Q: Good idea, yah… Let’s stick to this. What about this stupid HR belt? It slips!
  • A: It always stood still during training, you should rearrange it and it must stay. You would like to have your HR properly registered.
  • Q: It’s the fourth time I am trying to rearrange it, that is not working. Oh, it slipped, nearly lost it! It goes to my pocket and that’s it! Better now. The HR won’t be shown properly, but that’s life!
  • Q: What a wonderful temperature, I am feeling so strong: should I push for a sub 1:30 first half-marathon?
  • A: You could, but only if it gets in natural… If you force anything, just keep in mind you have to go 21 kilometers more, and it won’t be an easy task with low energy.
  • Q: Oh, ya… I don’t want to jeopardize the main objective, correct? Running a very good PB marathon, do I?
  • A: Of course you don’t! Push it, but not to the limit, you need decent reserves for the second half of the race!
  • Q: Oh, no… I am closing now to the 3:12 – 3:25 wave, where I should have been. Will I lose time here?
  • A: It depends on you. I don’t think you’ll be losing too much time, if you meander properly, but in the end you might add some additional distance, and that would not help either. You should have arranged to start from the proper wave!
  • Q: Yeh, right, some kilometers of pain, where I need to keep my composure… Anyhow, still feeling strong. But the sun is shining brighter and brighter. Will the decision to not take a cap have its impact now?
  • A: Man, the decision to not wear a cap, was wrong from the start and you knew it. Valencia is not very hot now, but the sun is shinning so bright, and that is not an easy task for your bald head. Now you cannot change anything. Just endure!
  • Q: Yeh… I am feeling it slows me down, indeed. At least the flask-strategy worked and the fact that I have sipped from it supported me up to now. But it gets empty. How should I manage that?
  • A: Try and briefly fill it every 5 kilometers with fresh water and keep up the custom to drink. You will lose maybe one minute maximum, but that will help you additionally to finish strong!
  • Q: Man, the alarm interfered with my podcast, cannot listen to it, need to extract the phone from my belt, and correct the fault. Should I do it?
  • A: Are you kidding me? Do you want this kind of disruption now?! I am aware you wanted to enjoy the podcasts, but if you left the alarms loose, now just stop them and focus on running. You have run so many thousands of kilometers without listening to music. Why should that be a problem now?
  • Q: OK, clear… I have “only” 18 kilometers, though. Will I resist?
  • A: I think you have many other things to keep an eye out for, let alone the music, the podcasts, and so on…
  • Q: I am making it, I really do, but it gets hotter and hotter, harder and harder. Wish it would be all over asap. I have also around 500 meters more than the official marks. Why?! I have followed the blue line almost exactly!
  • A: Yes, almost. Remember the heats? How you meandered? That had a price. Make sure, next time, you’ll start ahead of others, and these problems might disappear!
  • Q: I am afraid of crushing it now… I don’t feel so strong… Will I crack?
  • A: You have already 36 kilometers passed, it’s normal. Just keep focused, keep a steady speed and go for it! As soon as you will see the blue carpet, you’ll know everything has been accomplished!
  • Q: My legs hurt, should I drink more water? Did I drank too much?
  • A: You are doing just fine. Keep the pace just a bit longer and everything will be over!
  • Q: I think I am going for the PB I wanted! Can I hope of a 3:10 under?
  • A: If you increase a bit the speed and if you hadn’t lose those hundred meters, then you might… Now… just relax!
  • Q: Oh, oh! There is the final 500 meters! My watch already is at 42.195 kilometer! And it is just downhill from here!
  • A: The step on it! This is the place you dreamt of for five years, enjoy it, it’s great PB for you, 5 minutes cut from your previous. What do you want more from you? This is it! Enjoy the moment!!!

Just a resume, guys. Enjoy the moments… after! 🙂

Honestly speaking, this was just a fraction of the things going thru my mind. I was talking all along the way, so I guess, at some point, I might record my thoughts live. And I might even right a book from those. Who knows? But for the time being, this is a resume of how the Valencia Marathon looked into my mind. I have a very well prepared mind for this kind of runs, and in generally speaking. But it is never enough, you are never two solid in preparing such a challenge, in order not to be flooded by concerns, thoughts, and even fears. Still, the sentiment at the end, with the medal wrapped around you neck, and with the mild walk thru the place, is priceless! In fact, that is better than any PB, and can heal the hardest disappointment.