The bear Romanian problem – perfect mirror of the society

Romania has a very “nice” particularity, as a European Union country, meaning that you have great chances to be either eaten by a stray dog in the middle of Bucharest, or maybe other town, or by… a bear! It happened recently, and it keeps happening for some time. I will focus now on the bear “problem”, to expose better the reality from Romania, a country with no roads, no airports, no schools, no hospitals, no railroads, no train stations, zero infrastructure, no education system, absolutely nothing. Judging by the geopolitical position of the country. This reflects mostly the level of IQ and character, and I will switch to this serious problem, because it is really life-threatening.

Young killed in fall, after bear attack on Jepii Mici

The best proof of the so-called bear “problem” is the fact that nobody, in a EU country – I feel the need to repeat this over and over again – cannot count properly a population of bears, the biggest outside North America and Russia, but which consists of some thousands of animals, not of hundred thousands or millions. Also, the brown bear is pretty big, and it is not acceptable in 2024, to not have a clear evidence of their number. This is related, though, to the genetics problems mentioned above. Now, getting to more serious things, after a young girl ended up dead after a bear attack on Jepii Mici, a very popular mountain route in Romania, and the debates were endless, most of them brainless, as you can imagine.

People, with no brain, stop near bears

The bear, of course, was the main responsible. Technically speaking, it was. But why? Starting with the fact that Romanian authorities cannot even count bears – not ants, bears! – the topic is more deep. In Romania, many people have a very low IQ, and that is shown in the overall statistics, and many, when see bears, feed them, try and touch them, make pictures with them, so, in the end, the bears develop a lack of fear for humans, so then, when they see you, their impression is that you are food. They are not scared of you anymore, and will very likely attack. Even if they are smarter comparing to the big belly specimens that halt, stop the car and approach the bears, they are still animals and have primarily instincts.

1.000 EUR fine, and then who will feed the bears?

If anybody would implement and apply rigorously a firm law that you are forbid to stop to a bear, or to approach voluntarily with less than 100 meters, then you will be subjected to a direct fine of 1.000 EUR, let’s say. Wanna bet that after 20-30 such fines, nobody will approach a bear anymore? And in time, maybe a few years, bears start fearing humans again, don’t approach them, and for sure not attack that easy. Now, of course, if the number of animals is too big, then hunting can come into place, without any doubt, especially to protect residential areas where the bears come frequent. But first… has any authority the ability to count…? Well… Also, I am just wandering why is so hard to put electric fences in some perimeters, to forbid bears from approaching human settlements. Sure, it is simple, but not for everybody…

Is there anybody that actually know to count?

Now, going back to the hunting, once somebody will know how to count – yeah, yeah, I know it is not that easy, but you are in EU, you can get the resources, if you know how to approach the problem – it can be decided, and applied. I agree you cannot implement only softer measures, if there are certain proves that there are currently too many bears, which can be true. Animal protection entities say they are 2.000 bears, hunter organizations, 12.000. Numbers have such a big swing, that prove once more the IQ general problem. You could hunt, yes, but hunt the ones for which there is no other option, and they are being an immediate threat to human life. Not a threat for the imbeciles that stop and feed them, but for shepherds, for people living close to the forest and such.

Zero degrees from “the idiot”

Granting hunting right, for trophy purposes won’t solve this problem, will only feed the lack self esteem and the big complexes possessed by people who enjoy hunting, because “it’s a sport”! In 2024 it is a sport, if you are brain dead, which, of course…  This is not a Romanian bear problem, but a bear Romanian problem, because it is the result of many, many years of incompetence, lack of knowledge, and direct interest. The bears will be killed, without them being count, but attacks will continue, and also people will die, without any problem. We have decent landscape in Romania, but myself, I don’t go hiking on the mountain trails, because of the huge bear risk. Nobody can tackle a bear, if it is not afraid of you.  And if I am not going, a person who has tens of mountain marathons, then very few should actually go hike, because the danger is real, and at the corner. Because this is exactly how real Romania looks like! In the end, how many degrees are we from “the idiot”? I would say… zero!

Polar bears, chased from helicopter!

To give also some examples, of how things should be managed, I would inform those who can’t count some bears, and cannot take any reliable action, that in Svalbard, polar bears are monitored and chased, when needed, with helicopters, and also you cannot go there in a hike, without an armed guide, just in case. OK, they need to find out their selves where Svalbard is, and what are the policies there, but take my word that what I am telling is 100% real. Bear attacks can happen everywhere, where they exist, but for sure the situation is nowhere like in Romania. The people who should deal with this matter, should learn best practices from those who really know what they are doing, and who know how to count…
