Wings for Life World Run 2023. To state that I run / ran for anybody, it would be a ferocious lie, because nobody runs for anybody else except themselves. Any other statement is a mild form of hypocrisy. Running is, maybe, the purest way of selfishness, and that is the end. Now, I am running for myself, of course, but when a good cause comes along, it is involved or stays at the core of a running event, what happens is that I feel a stronger motivation and an additional responsibility. This is the case of Wings for Life World Run. A form of half virtual, half physical run, brewed by Red Bull, the everlasting top beverage Austrian company. The main purpose of this run is to raise money destined to research to fight against spinal core damage, which is, indeed, a good cause. I am craving to take part of the event for some years, but the problem is that, in Romania it starts at 14:00, in the first weekend of May, usually. This is because, the runners on the whole planet need to start in the same time and, of course, the time difference is huge.
Wings for Life World Run on Lia Manoliu Stadium
In the past I took part of all kind of running events in the same day, but all of them started in the morning, far before 14:00, so I couldn’t overlap anything to match a decent run. Because, in my opinion, not stating that I run for somebody is important, but to treat the run itself with top, top priority. I don’t go to run at the Wings for Life event to chill, to hang or to lay on the grass. No, I go to run until the catcher car is there. To understand better whole concept, have a click here. Back to our business, my aim was always to perform decently. Now, exactly one year after the wonderful Prague Marathon, which I have attended, I dressed exclusively into adidas outfit, topping the white adidas Runners Prague shirt and headed to Lia Manoliu Stadium from Bucharest. The main event in Romania was held on Dinamo stadium, but I don’t find any pleasure in running on that stadium.
33.33 kilometers at the event hosted by 321 Sport
My goal: 33.33 kilometers until the catcher car gets to me – it leaves, as you can find in the link, 30 minutes after you start and it accelerates constantly, until it gets to you. Maybe a brave objective, but I needed to be guided by something. A 4:44 / km pace is not something horror, but it can be tricky to held it for more that two hours and a half especially in a day with higher temperature comparing to the average of the period. I am confident though, there is a bit of shade on the track. The event organized by 321 Sport, I think the oldest running community from Romania, is very nice. I start looping the track. One 400 meter distance after the other. I keep a steady pace of 4:50 / kilometer. I feel very good. I believe I can sustain the whole thing without stopping to drink water. But… it is really warm, not very hot, but more complicated than I wish. So… after mark 20, near the half marathon, I stop to have a sip of water and also to put on my head.
Kilometer 26, second stop at Wings for Life World Run
I am long off my objective, but the catcher car is not yet a danger. I keep it steady, go over 26 kilometer and need water once more. The catcher car is threating me and challenges my position. I spend, maybe, 90 seconds and off I go. On my watch, I am a bit behind, almost one kilometer, so I am waiting for the 30K mark in my headset. Here it is, but I have only 29.25 on my watch. The car is catching up, but I realize that I am the only man standing and running and everybody is cheering for me. Oh, wow! How come? So I will win this event, my first running victory all time. It is a very good sentiment, like it, but I focus on my goal and want to see 30k on my watch. I do that, then the 31K announcement in the ear, from the application. I stop. Short after, maybe 10 seconds, the catcher car also comes along and the race is, officially over.
2028, my position at Wings for Life World Run 2023
31.13 kilometers, instead of 33.33 kilometers is not bad, but I could not achieve my main objective because of the heat. Otherwise, I think I could have go without any pit-stop so maybe two more kilometers. Anyway, having above 30 kilometers, I am happy. I can consider it as an achievement. Surprisingly, I receive also a prize. It is a beautiful bonus for this splendid race, my first long serious run on a track. I get some very, very awesome products with “Wings for Life”, and the organizers are congratulating me. It is over, and now I head home. It was a pure process for me, this race. I knew I need to do something, mainly for me, but also holding a huge responsibility by associating myself with this wonderful project. In the end, more than 206K runners from all around the world participated in the event raising 5.8 million EUR to serve the main purpose of the event. I finished 2028 world wide at male level and I feel proud. I need now, in the following years, to correct my performance. Will see. Now, just enjoying some cold Red Bull.
Always remember guys, life is a process, not a journey!