Denisa Dragomir is a mountain runner, a sky runner. I know this sport is not as many others and it doesn’t grow much interest, but this has nothing to do necessary with the complexity or its level. It is simply because fewer understand and have patience with this kind of sport. The context is that Denisa Dragomir, a 30-year Romanian runner, became world champion at mountain short distance running, in Thailand, on 5th of November 2022 and actually the main “sports newspapers” in Romania don’t write anything. I know the level, so there is no surprise on this for me, but it was important to mention, though. Denisa won a 38-kilometer run with 2.700 meters of ascent in 3:49:23, two minutes before second place, which is massive.
Competition from the biggest countries for Denisa Dragomir
Denisa Dragomir is a Red Bull sportswoman, another proof that she is on the right track with her career of more than 12 years now and that she is one of the bests in the World. When looking on the rankings here, the supreme evidence that this title of World Champion actually means a lot stands in the fact that the participants came, usually, from top developed countries, where running is far better treated comparing to Romania. What countries I am talking about, to mention the first, let’s say, 21? Well, here is a clear list:
- Czech Republic
- Sweden
- Spain
- Italy
- United States
- Great Britain
- France
- Japan
- Finland
- Iceland
- Switzerland
- Denmark
- Australia
- Portugal
- Norway
- Mexico
- Canada
- Argentina
- Chile
- Austria
- Kenya (climb short race only, but with place 1 and 2 men)
Mădălina Florea finished fourth, the boys grabbed four top 20
Apart from the above, there were representatives from Germany, Belgium, Hungary, Slovakia, Ireland, New Zealand etc. with not great results, but there were participating. Sure, some other countries that finished in the tail of the rankings are not necessary worth mentioning, because, in my judgement, they participated just for globalization’s sake, not because they have a point in this game. Regardless, seeing the list mentioned above, it is clear what weight has Denisa’s title. In fact, not only her, but also the other girl that participated from Romania, Mădălina Florea, obtained a very good 4th place spot in the shortest race – the one dominated, how ironically, by Kenya… – and this speaks that Romania is in top here.
You are wondering about the boys. OK, their results were not outstanding, but they did manage to grab four top 20 finishes, in two different “fights”:
- short distance: Damian (8) and Mitrica (11), from 85 starters
- long distance: Butaci (13) and Preda (19), from 99 starters
Red Bull likes to invest in winners and… World Champions!
Now, OK, it could have been far better for the boys, but take my word for granted that the conditions in Romania cannot compare to the ones in the majority of the countries presented above. To run these kinds of races involves such great technique and so many equipment and supplement needs, you cannot imagine. Maybe some of our guys / girls get it. As a matter of fact, Red Bull only invests in top projects like RB Leipzig, Red Bull Salzburg – football teams or the Rade Bull Racing, Formula 1 team. Maybe Denisa Dragomir has everything she needs, but if it is so, the preparation and dedication paid off.
Denisa Dragomir’s first words at the end of the race
This kind of sport should inspire much more people than other sports, because running it is easy, it is not expensive, and it is very healthy if you want to make some changes in your life. To be clear, is not expensive if you want to practice it as ana amateur and the likes of Denisa Dragomir can inspire tons of children. A reason for which the Romanian sports press should spread these kinds of results, like they did, for example, when we were discussing about David Popovici. Hope it will happen gradually, but the hopes, from my experience remain only hopes at this stage. Anyway, since the result is huge, Denisa Dragomir is World Champion, let us see what she wrote, first thing on her Facebook profile, after she finished the race:
“I cannot believe it still! My dream came true! Thank you all for your messages and encouragement! Thank to those who were by my side unconditionally!”
Mădălina Florea missed the top 3 at a whisker