You don’t need special shoes to run! 6.000+ km story of Kalenji

Look very carefully at the picture. This ordinary Kalenji Ekiden Trail shoes gathered more than 6.000 kilometers! I don’t know to tell you exactly how many, because I never thought, when I have started using them, that they will be so long in service. Though, the motive is simple. When I’ve been relocated to Budapest for a full year, I’ve carried with me some running gear. But only a pair of shoes for the asphalt. Yep, I know, trail means something else, but they were already used so they where perfectly suitable for running on the streets of the Hungarian capital city.


4.500 kilometers only in Budapest, with Kalenji Ekiden Trail


And we did run together I think for around 4.500 only in Budapest. But the shoes weren’t new, as I already mentioned so I am pretty sure they had on board at least 1.500 kilometers. Their saga could have been even longer, but when I left Budapest, I knew their journey should end. And it ended in a decent way, with a wash in the machine and parked where some homeless might would have taken advantage of what was left. Correct, they were quite torn apart, but the sole was in full shape, even though worn out. So my mother told me that the cannot be used anymore, but I disagree.


Why should I care how they look?


I mean, I would have used them for running even more if I didn’t have other pairs waiting for me in Bucharest, let alone some poor people that don’t have nothing at all to put in their feet… Sometimes, I had a moment of shame when I whore them at the AR Budapest events, but after I’ve recovered carefully. And I always remember over and over and over again what Dan Pena keeps saying: “Do you think Steve Jobs gave a shit of what others thought about him? Do you think Bill Gates gives a shit? Do you think Elon Musk does give?”


15 EUR for a great experience


Surely, I cannot compare myself in anyway with those guys, but it helped. And the purpose of this picture, this story and these rows here is to make you understand once and for all that you don’t need expensive stuff to run. These shoes, as I am using only Kalenji, from Decathlon, cost less than 15 EUROS and they’re great! I mean, no harm whatsoever for my feet, joints or anything. Just pure comfort! I mean I know there is a foot pattern that requires specific shoes, but I just cannot believe Kalenji cannot fit everybody’s needs!


You don’t need for sure expensive shoes, Kalenji are ideal


Once, a girl, friend of mine told me: “You should buy a pair of more expensive shoes, a well known brand, you can impress girls!” OK, she was partly joking, but it was also partly two. So… I can confirm, no, you don’t need expensive shoes! I am not an athletic guy, just built up my stamina and physical characteristics so I don’t buy shit like this. Some time ago, also a friend asked me what I think about Hoka, because he found a trail pair with around 80 percent discount. As Dan Pena also says… “if it has 80 percent discount, you can imagine what is their true worth!”


Kalenji also for running on Retezat


Indeed, shoe brands cost more than the shoes themselves. It is a proven fact, no question about it. Of course, told the guy that Hooka is quite popular in Romania and at that price he can give a shot. I don’t. I bought also for mountain runs – Retezat Skyrace is not really a piece of cake – also shoes from Kalenji and they really are great! So, I am pretty confident you don’t need expensive equipment to run. Even though, for example, I have a weakness for Polar smartwatches. Of course, their not that expensive as Garmin, but you can find a lot of cheaper brands. This is, though, another story.


12.000 kilometers and counting


We’re back to the shoe thing. I don’t say if you like a specific shoe brand, like Nike, Adidas, Reebok, Mizuno, Salomon, La Sportiva or any other to not buy from them. Not at all, it’s not my business. I just want to tell you to not ever use this as an excuse for not going out running! “Born to Run” is the book that taught me a lot! And one of the most important things is that as the shoes got used, the better it is for your foot. An indeed it is true. For me it also worked with Kalenji and it still does with more than 12.000 kilometers on board. You should try!


Don’t ever use the shoe price as an excuse!


In case you like other options, it’s a capitalist world and you are free to spend how much money needed. Just don’t use this as an excuse to not start working out. Really, Decathlon has great products on which you can rely and the attached image is the supreme proof. No bull shit, no expensive stuff and no side effects. If you’ll check my site you’ll find out even more things. I am not a champion, I am not a fast runner, but I can run tons of kilometers and I never put an excuse in front of a running day. The only times when I don’t do it is because I decide not to.